From the Collection:Child's Knock apart Furniture
This workshop is the first in a prospective series that activates the collection through updating and parametisation
Try-it (Staff) Version
This version is intended to be trialed using the try-it process.
Running workshops for SLQ staff is to:
- increase awareness and knowledge of The Edge programming
- invite feedback and participation
- include an introduction to Free and Open Source Software(FOSS) - Inkscape.
- include an introduction to parametric design
- Basic bitmap image processing using GIMP.
- Gimp for image clean-up and processing
Materials and Resources
Workshop Outline
Intro to Preparing for Cutting using - 10min
- What is FOSS.
- When to use FOSS
- When to use non-FOSS
- What is GIMP?
- What is Coreldraw?
Pick a Project
The workshop as a whole chooses a design for all particpants to work on.
Use theses rules to inform your choice.
Introduction to Gimp
Basic bitmap processing to produce a two colour image - 15 min
- Open chosen image in GIMP
- Selection and Navigation tools
- crop
- shear, cage or rotate
- brightness and contrast
- Blur and unsharp
- convert to grayscale
- export as a jpg.
Introduction to Fusion 360
Import to Fusion and Add to Sketch - 20 min
- Selection and Navigation tools
- Trace bitmap tool
- select best single scan method
- adjust options (speckles, corners and paths)
- Process and close
- Export as PDF
Prepare for Cut in CNC
Editing - 20min
- Trim the fat - be ruthless
- small shapes won't drop out
- complex shapes will break
- complex shapes take too long to cut
- Grab the file and open in Fusion360.
- create a sketch
- Get familiar with the selection and navigation tools
- Create a sheet of ply
- Scale your artwork to fit
- Select one shape to work on.
- Use the lines tools to trace
- access individual points to correct glitches
- reduce nodes (in the menu bar)
- use the curve smoothness slider (in the menu bar)
- Drag your artwork to a panel
CNC Ready checks
Check all …
- Check
- Save your design as a DXF file onto the facilitators USB stick.
Cutting and Assembly
- Your facilitator will cut your design on the CNC Router
- Take home and enjoy!