Art of Projection

Developed by Waldemar Janek, supported by Michelle Brown, 2024

Workshop slides

Templates and Downloads

Session 1 - Persistence of Vision

Animation templates and examples

During the workshop to show the basic frame by frame animation process, we have created an example using one of the State Library's collection resources. We have chosen one of The Queenslander illustrated cover images as it is a good example of how to remove a basic background and manipulate the image to separate the ball from the person and make it bounce across the 16 frames.

Link to the Illustrated front cover from The Queenslander, October 15, 1936

Our Zoetrope inner ring circumference is about 40cm in length, this fits to an A3 printed piece of paper and the templates below sized for the 3D model;

16 frame Photoshop PSD template with basketball girl 40cm circumference

16 frame Photoshop PDF blank 40cm template

Old versions

Phenakistiscope files

Zoetrope files

Original small version of Zoetrope
SLQ version of Zoetrope

Inner ring - Zoetrope inner ring

Outer ring (body) - Zoetrope outer ring

Session 2 - Holograms

Hologram files

Session 3 - Projection Mapping

Please download the Zipped file, which contains the files you will need to use for the workshop.

zipped folder

The Touchdesigner file to open is called 'camshapper box.1.toe'

workshops/prototypes/artofprojection.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/25 15:05 by Michelle Brown
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We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their continuing connection to land and as custodians of stories for millennia. We are inspired by this tradition in our work to share and preserve Queensland's memory for future generations.