Large A2 Vacuum Former

Large A2 Vacuum Former


Vacuum former to make larger objects …

This has been a progressing of further development in the smaller A4 former, this project should enable the capabilities to make moulds etc. for larger objects.

Outline of project and its development to follow …


(List the materials you used, with dimensions, and quantities. This is often easier to do once the project is at the beta testing stage, but that means you will need to keep a list as you go. It is useful to collect the details of suppliers, quantities, prices and websites in an Excel sheet as an aid to those who follow you - you can upload the Excel table at the end of this document in the space provided)


- Ply Boxes : ( 3 of )
• Lower storage
• Vacuum
• Heater

Frames : ( 2 of )
• Side panels
• Platen

Pipework :

Electrical :


(List all the tools you used to complete the project, from #1 Philips screwdrivers, to the CNC machine)


(This is where you put the step-by-step photos showing how to carry out your project, as well as an explanation in words. Rename the steps as you like, use italics or bold for emphasis.

Don't forget to include design files for CNC, laser cutting or 3D printing but remember they need to be zipped before uploading to the Wiki (it is also useful if they are in a transferable format, .svg rather than .ai, for example)).

Step One:

Step Two:

Step Three:

Step Four:


Development notes

( This is where you can put ideas that you tried, but which did not work & why )

- Progress has been made on implementing drawings & cutting the out main boxes …
- Ordering of main components has began …

- Found errors in size & plug of heating element - Couple of options to fix :

+ Get second unit ...\\
+ source a larger unit ... \\
+ Look at original option of coil wire  ... ( with inherent issue of compliance ) \\


(Here you can put any suggestions from users that you have not yet implemented, and mention any unforeseen difficulties encountered in operation or construction)


This were you put external links, if they have not appeared in the Instructions.


This is where you put files for laser cutting, Excel sheets of suppliers etc..

Project Progress

( Summary of how the project is going so that others can follow. Diary type entries, with dates, would be a good format.)

- basic outline of project developed & implemented … 2017

Log of works

- Marquette made … 2017
- Draft costing made … 2017
- List of materials drawn up … 2017
- Drawings completed … Dec 2017
- Commenced cutting out boxes … Jan 2018
- Parts Ordered … Feb 2018
- Commenced assembly of boxes … March 2018
- Steel work to be ordered … April 2018

Project Table

Project Percent Complete Project Lead Status Budget Req Budget Approved Next Major Milestone Subsequent Milestones to complete
LARGE A2 VACUUM FORMER 50% Andrew Approved $500 $ ? Complete Frame Testing & Commission to make operational
facilities/hte/projects/large_a2_vacuum_former/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/19 15:21 by Andrei Maberley
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