Open lab hours
The Edge creative resources are available during Open lab at The Edge, currently open during the following hours (except on public holidays):
Wednesdays 1:30 – 8pm for Open Lab
Thursdays 1:30 – 5:00pm for Open Lab & 5:00 – 8:00pm for Hack the Evening
Saturdays 12:00 - 5:00pm for Open Lab
To help you get creative, equipment resources are available for use during these sessions if you have done the necessary Induction. Please note, equipment bookings are required for Open lab sessions.
To book and use a specific equipment during open lab hours, you need to have successfully completed an induction for using that equipment. Our Inductions are designed to ensure that people use our space safely, both for their own well being, and to ensure the equipment stays in working order for all to benefit from.
The best way to find out about all our upcoming inductions is by signing up to The Edge newsletter. In the newsletter we announce upcoming inductions, along with the date and time they will be available to book via the State Library Qld Eventbrite page. They sell out quick, so be sure to get in quick to secure your place!
Our inductions are $45 (unless they are covered as part of a workshop).
Once you have completed the induction you can book your times on The Edge page of the State Library website.