Health & Safety
Through The Edge, The State Library of Queensland is committed to providing a welcoming, safe, healthy and sustainable environment for Queenslanders to engage, experiment and learn in the areas of art, science, technology and enterprise.
As part of the State Library of Queensland, The Edge is subject all the organisation’s broader occupational health and safety policies, procedures and governance instruments, and Work Health and Safety Commitment Statement
The Edge’s has a particular focus on engaging participants in hands-on experiential learning at the cutting edge of art, science, technology and ensuring its resources and programs are accessible to Queenslanders from a range of backgrounds.
These particular objectives demand a framework of risk management tools beyond the general scope of State Library of Queenslands Occupation Health and Safety policies and procedures. The following documents the policies and procedures that The Edge will undertake in addition to its compliance with State Library's Health and Safety Policies and Procedures and other pertinent governance frameworks.
In addition to State Library's disclaimer, the material presented in the SLQ Wiki is for general information purposes only, and neither purports, nor is intended, to be legal or other advice on any particular matter. The material is provided solely on the basis that users will take responsibility for verifying the accuracy, currency and completeness of all relevant representations, statements and information. No user should act on the basis of any matter contained in this publication without considering and, if necessary, taking appropriate professional advice upon his or her own particular circumstances.
Although the information herein has been derived from sources believed to be reliable, State Library makes no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information. State Library does not accept liability to any person for the information provided on this site or for any injury, loss or damage incurred by the use of or reliance on the information.
Legal Underpinnings
Understanding the legal underpinnings of this framework will assist State Library staff in effectively applying the procedures and explaining policies to the public and contractors its contractors.
The Board of the State Library of Queensland and management have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of all staff, contractors and members of the public on site and or engaged in and Edge activity elsewhere. Any process, tool and or materials identified as posing a risk to the Occupational Health and Safety of staff and members of the public, is to be used at the discretion and authorization of State Library management.
State Library's managers cannot be everywhere at once however. Consequently management has established a framework of policies and procedures governing the use of identified processes, tools and materials and delegates authority to competent individuals to use, and or supervise use of these. Different levels of authorization are delegated to staff, contactors and members of the public to provide supervision or use processes, tools or materials. The different levels of delegated authority are granted to staff, contractors and members of the public after demonstration of competence in a induction process or via recognition of a formal qualification.