3D Industries Australia - Joey 3
The Joey is a medium format 3D printer, on-loan from 3D Industries. It has proved reliable and is used when a larger build platform is required.
Below is the information from 3D Industries:
The Joey has a frame measuring 500 mm wide by 500 mm deep and 500 mm tall. It has a standard build platform size of 300 mm by 300 mm.
Objects can be built up to a height of 190 mm.
The Joey Wombat and Possum utilizes a CoreXY mechanism to move the extruder carriage in the X and Y axis at the top of the frame. The heated build platform descends as each layer is printed.
The power supply is contained within the frame and the filament spool holder can be mounted in different positions.
The printers are controlled by means of an LCD screen controller - no connection to a PC is required. Objects to be printed are stored on an SD card in gcode format.
The hot end extruder used is the latest 3D Industries Aluhotend and an automatic gap sensor is included to ensure the correct clearance between the nozzle and the bed.
The Joey model config file has:
- 0.3 layer height - 2 perimeters
- infill rectilinear at 45 degrees and 70% density
- 5 circle skirt 1 layer high
- No support material
- Latest advanced settings
- PLA filament (nozzle) temp of 260C and bed temp of 60C
- fans always on
To access the cloud based support site use this link:
To access the software download the required files or directory to the local system.