~~REVEAL theme=laser_cutter_preflight&transition=fade&controls=0&show_progress_bar=1&build_all_lists=0&open_in_new_window=0~~
Laser Cutter Checks
The Edge standard checks for the Rayjet 300.
Laser Cutter Preflight Checks - Prepare Your Job
- Hot Work Permit active
- Material purchased, checked by supervisor
- Honeycomb correctly seated on bed
- Focal distance correctly calibrated to stock
- Starting position of laser is correct
Laser Cutter Preflight Checks - Supervisor Check
- Starting position of laser is correct - verified by Supervisor
- Bed is correctly seated - verified by Supervisor
- Focus alignment - verified by Supervisor
- All cut settings - verified by Supervisor
- power
- speed
- number of passes
- Auto focus feature disabled - verified by Supervisor
- Update Settings, apply and press OK
Laser Cutter Checks - During Cut
- Start job from Laser Cutter NOT software
- Avoid looking directly at the laser flash
- Prolonged exposure to laser flash may cause eye strain
- Abort job if material catches fire
- Pause Job to adjust
- repeat pre-flight check if needed
Laser Cutter Checks - After Cut
- Wait 30 secs for fumes to clear
- Remove Job
- Brush out or vacuum debris
Laser Cutter Checks - After Session
- Leave area clean and tidy
- Take your USB
- Show of your work on made today