Nerf guns workshop in Deception Bay

Based on the program that The Edge has run described here: NERF Gun Modification Workshop

Deception Bay Flexible Learning Centre (Sep 7th 2017)

Activity Outline

For this activity we set out to work together to create the rules for a new game (like setting the rules to a new world). Discuss and agree on the rules then attempt to play; modify the rules as you go to get it right.

Materials needed

MBRC Libraries already had a nerf gun kit consisting of 15 guns, 100+ bullets, targets made from plastic cups. Group size of 10 was aimed for so that discussions about the rules for each game were controlled. 10 guns or sharing of guns (depending on size of nerf kit)

We held this activity in the school hall which allowed for control of the movement of players and the retrieval of bullets.


• Ensure you have an area to help confine the stray bullets

• Have extra bullets to allow for lost or damaged ones

• Introduce the activity and then bring the guns out, they can be distracting

• This activity could be held outside in a designated area if a hall was not available

• It would be best to have 1 or 2 supervisors per group to help with rule modification and scoring

Our session took two hours to allow for discussion, set up, playing and pack up. If a longer session was held then food/snacks could be an advantage. To make a longer session, keep changing the rules and try them out.


These are the games rules created this time:

1. Setup the cones in zone. Players stand around the zone with their backs to the zone. On the count, they all turn around, drop to the lie down sniper position and the first one to shoot a cone down wins. We did it in a circle formation

2. Set the cones in a line. Shooters lie down, stay 1 metre away and shoot 1 shot. If they miss the next player has their go. If they do hit a cone they then move back a specified distance e.g. 50cm and try again. The winner is the person who gets the furthest from the cones. You can set a time frame for the length of this game

3. Each player has six shots. Shooters take turns to shoot as many cones as they can with only their six shots (they can have more than 1 go). Set up the cones and the winner is the player that can knock down the most cones with their 6 shots. This is good because if they shoot from the right angle they may get 2 cones with 1 shot

4. All players standing at one point and see who can get their bullet to go the furthest distance. There is no target, this is simply a distance challenge.


We had a group of 10 - More than that would be hard to control. Definitely don’t get the guns out till the discussion of rules and games are done!


engagement/one_last_apocalypse/engage_plan/nerf_guns_deception_bay_flexi_school.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/01 20:45 by Michelle Brown
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