Apocalypse thinking 2

Four Apocalypse ideas pitched on the first night of apocalypse thinking were:

Solitude: the last human on earth explores a series of rooms (science lab, people stuck in computer games) and there is little hints of another human being alive.

Utopia: Can you survive the utopia you have chosen? A silent disco in four rooms with music played from an app on your phone. Music is played based on the words you like and have added. Everyone influences the music and creates their utopia.

Natural disaster: The shock of the future. Brisbane is under water. In this choose your own adventure you see the consequences of your decisions. There is a possibility for you to change your choices. Will you?

A.I: Facebook suggestions are controlling everyday decisions. You enter a maze and you are confronted by fun tech but you slowly realise that it is taking control. It is messing with you.

Also other ideas of:

Collapse of technology

Kafka-esque world

Personal change (losing something, moving cities, falling in love)

Where to now?

Let’s keep thinking big. Add any other ideas here that you want to add into the mix! In the next session we will continue to explore your big ideas and prototype some of them.

Plan for Sunday 17th Sep 12-4pm

1. Intro's

2. speak to the ideas that came up last session and on FB (written on large paper)

3. Add your ideas to the paper

3. Demonstrate taking an idea and prototyping it

(cardboard kaiju as well as an apocalypse concept album)showing the process of arriving at these ideas including stimulus material

3. On feet group at the idea that is most interesting to you.

4. Break off into those groups

5. Explain concept to each other

7. Reflect

8. chat about the next stage (work out if mondays or sundays are the best), fb group and writing up ideas

and the restrictions- how many people get involved (if your ideas involve 200 people, the resources that are at the edge, skills of the people involved as well as us) The ideas from this session:


Buy chips

get water and glasses

have butchers paper with the ideas written on them


white board

presentation prepared for presenting protyping ideas


when thinking about a concept here are is a framework to use to unpack and get clear about your idea:

1. The aim

2. The outcomes

3. Design elements





4. Timelines

Further learning

the ideas that came out of this session


Set in the near future, an AI and team of human jurors convict and sentence various ‘criminals’ based on social media and internet access records.

Main Points:

-Courtroom setup

-NPC convicts are judged based on their social media likes and views, and their communication and location records.

-The audience decides the fate of the convict, with the decisions made by individual players perhaps qualifying them to become a convict (Eg a photo is taken of them, with permission, and they are added to the list of convicts.

-Crimes are thought based - rebellious actions, contravening government regulations, interacting with the wrong people.

-The jury should be distanced from their actions until the end, when they are given a sense that these are real people they are convicting.

-Thus, perhaps they shouldn’t know the punishment, so that they can later regret what they decided.

-If they are too lenient they can be on trial too, punishments must be swift and range on a scale to slightly more than appropriate (within this world) to very harsh

-Sound design ideas include pre-composed/generated music based on each ‘personality’ shown to the audience - perhaps a rotation of 3 or 4 tracks? This could be frequency/number based, take conceptual ideas of their personality - quick to anger, rebellious etc and convert to musical ideas.

- mind map that they did for the Kafka-esque group

- An apocalypse playlist was created by a community member and shared https://open.spotify.com/user/21vmarluktv4uv65eu5jw2seq/playlist/2cWwUwB4ZLkroB20gWk8l4


Do I really need a phone anyway? When is your mobile phone more important than my pacemaker? How would you react in a crisis.

This is an immersive game. To start with there is an announcement that that there is worldwide collapse of energy/electricity grid making electricity scarce.

Teams are looking for batteries to charge their phones, make a generator (maybe use a hand held generator), make other stuff.

An app updates where things might be or how things are going in the world. More battery life more you can do.


When do we lose a sense of time?

There is a white room- there is no interaction in this room and it is uncomfortable for people who are there.

A mirrored room- You do mundane tasks and other people can watch you. There is this sense of seeing self and being seen

Echo chamber- echo’s around you.

There are tunnel mazes between the different rooms (meant to feel claustrophobic)

There were ideas offered around a uniform being worn like a mask or name badges and they get swapped to create confusion.


There were 13 who attended this session. Everyone that was there knew why they where there. They all spoke to each other and shared ideas. It was a great mix of ages with the youngest being 16. There were 4 ideas generated by the group. We agreed to add them to the FB group so all could see them. Also, to share a mind mapping tool for all to use. So we are using the same tool. We also agreed as a group that Sundays are the best day for all. With the occasional Monday being doable.

Both the chips and water were good to have in the session. we could have added music.



32% have been coming to the edge for over 12 months.

26 % this will be there first time to the edge

Community Development

29 % not at all connected

22% not sure if they feel connected


13 people attended. 4 completed the survey.

75 % first time to the edge.

25% 1-6 months

Community Development

Do you feel connected to The Edge community?

50% somewhat connected

50% not sure

Cultural participation

Did you feel engaged by the night?

50% Somewhat yes

50% very much so

Community Development

Did you have a conversation with someone new?

75% very much so

25% Somewhat yes

Accessing Resources

50% very much so

50% somewhat yes

Idea building

50% somewhat yes

50% very much so


- I would have liked a little clearer outline of the objective near the start. It was a little vague for a while, but did gradually become clearer. A good experience all round though.

- I am inspired, I hope this will be a really fun project!


Other comments:

- I would have liked a little clearer outline of the objective near the start. It was a little vague for a while, but did gradually become clearer. A good experience all round though.

- I am inspired, I hope this will be a really fun project!


engagement/one_last_apocalypse/apocalypse_thinking_2.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/17 00:03 by Andrei Maberley
CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their continuing connection to land and as custodians of stories for millennia. We are inspired by this tradition in our work to share and preserve Queensland's memory for future generations.