Idea sharing - Key messaging 1

Key Message 1: “Taking the time to interact with children through simple, everyday activities are the best ways to get brains firing”.
Rewrite this key message in YOUR own words as a message you would feel comfortable delivering to families. Please feel free to comment on or reply to any other contributions.


Sunny Wells, 2024/08/30 14:51
Engaging kids in everyday activities is a great way to support learning and development.

Positive interactions with the most important adults in a child's life, are extremely valuable in terms of brain development.

It is never too early to read to your baby.
Nyrie North, 2024/03/07 13:01
A child learns from you through simple interactions in everyday life. Talking about things you do, places you go and people and things you see, go a long way to stimulating your baby's early learning.
Kate Burke, 2024/01/17 11:20
The best way to get little brains firing is to interact with your child in simple, everyday activities and tasks. Make the most of the opportunities you already have.
Marianna Shek, 2023/08/09 10:06
You don't need to plan anything special to engage your children. Think about the every day errands or activities you need to run, and lean into these to teach your children eg going to the shopping centre. Ask your child if they can find any shapes or letters or numbers in the signage around the shops
Isabella Iuzzolino, 2023/07/20 14:17
The best way to get little brains thinking is to interact with your children around every day things like colours, numbers and activities
Kirsty, 2023/06/15 16:55
Enjoying activities you do every day with your children is a fantastic way for your children to learn and develop.
Emma, 2023/06/16 13:46
Chatting away to you child even when they can't talk back to you is the best way for your child to learn to talk. Even just making silly sounds or repeating back to your child sounds they might make helps a child to learn to start to form the sounds that form words. You are your child's best teacher.
Jarrah, 2023/06/07 12:56
One of the best ways to get a child's brain working is to interact with them while doing everyday tasks.
Michelle, 2023/05/23 11:53
Big part of communicating is also listening, listen and observe how your child is communicating . Be present when they are playing and join in and have fun as well
Timothy M, 2023/05/05 10:58
Talking your way through everyday activities is one of the best ways to help little brains develop.
Annette, 2023/04/05 11:20
Doing every day activities and having your baby or child join you. Talking about what you are doing and maybe singing a song.
Encourage them to talk and make sounds engaging with them in your everyday life.
If they want to read the same book again that's okay! If they want to read 4 books, read them 4 books.
Val, 2023/03/31 11:29
Connecting and communicating with your child over even mundane activities is still a wonderful stimulus and learning opportunity for them.
Kirby, 2023/03/30 11:36
“Taking the time to interact with children through simple, everyday activities are the best ways to get brains firing”.

Your little person loves nothing more than to spend their day with you so don't hesitate to include them in your day to day activities. Narrating your day together is a one way to assist with their learning. Nothing is too silly to talk about, whether it be what you see in the store while buying groceries, talking in the car about the changing traffic lights, etc. Hearing your voice, your tone, your animations, etc. are all beneficial to their learning.
Daisey , 2023/03/30 11:22
The most important person in a child’s life is you. To help your child develop life's skills and happy memories, make sure that you interact with them throughout your day. This can be done by simply singing nursery rhymes, reading a book, or even through play.
Amy, 2023/03/29 10:56
Taking the time to interact with children through simple, everyday activities are the best ways to get brains firing

Don't feel like you have to plan formal sessions with your little one, even every day interactions are great for getting their little brain going. Maybe you could talk about the items you pick off the shelf when you are out shopping, or talk about the colours of clothes you are dressing them in at change time?
Lilly, 2023/03/29 15:32
Whatever things you love doing with your child... do it! Its in the small everyday interacting's smilling, listening and chatting that gets the brain to form new and wonderful connections.
Rae, 2023/03/02 14:35
Make sure to include your kids in your activities whenever you can, whether that means narrating what you’re doing, letting them be your little helper, or anything else – interaction’s a great way to get their brains firing, however simple the activity
Kate, 2023/02/16 12:51
Doing everyday activities with your little ones is a beautiful way to create memories and also helps their brain grow and change
Lisa D, 2023/02/14 11:47
Kids are constantly learning and developing their brains, so any day to day activity can be used as a positive interaction.
Lisa B, 2023/02/13 16:19
Talking your child through anything that they are doing is a great way to develop early language skills in natural surroundings.
Kellie, 2023/02/02 13:21
get involved can be not just reading the book, changing your voice to be more theatrical with the sounds of the words and also lowing your tone whilst reading different parts of the books
Hyunjung Kim, 2023/02/01 16:28
Spend time with your children doing simple, fun everyday activities is important to grow their literacy skills.
Lily, 2023/01/19 13:44
Spending time speaking and interacting with your children throughout your simple daily activities is a great way to encourage their learning.
Karen, 2022/12/20 06:16
You are your child's first and most important teacher! Interacting with your child as you go about your every day activities is an easy way to get those little brains firing!
Laura Elizabeth Kronk, 2022/12/05 16:09
Interacting with your children is very important. Taking that extra 5mins to let them help you stimulates their brains so much! Remember to speak to them and not at them.
Susan, 2022/12/02 11:15
Just doing normal everyday things with your child stimulates their mind.
Melissa Stansbie, 2022/11/16 14:15
When your child wants to engage with you take this opportunity to give them your full attention. Utilise everyday items and experiences to teach them, and make it fun.
Kate Fletcher, 2022/09/05 18:45
Talking with your child about what is happening and what you are doing as you move through your day, doing everyday tasks is one of the best and easiest ways to help them with their language development as they learn to talk
Maura, 2022/08/31 14:46
Use every opportunity to make it a learning opportunity. For example, you can point out objects and name them, you can count things, you can make them repeat words.
Chrissy Vass, 2022/08/17 10:41
Taking time, without distractions, to sit with your child and talk, read, sing or play. Talking to your baby or child about the everyday things that you are doing. What are we doing now? Where are we going now? What can we see?
jacqui, 2022/08/23 13:53
During daily funtime together talk, read, sing and make it fun, it' great for brain building in little ones and prepares them for future learning.
Kristy, 2022/08/16 15:37
Taking the time to delight in each other every day through talking, playing, singing and laughing will help your little one to learn and grow.
Georgia, 2022/08/15 11:45
Spending time with your children doing simple, everyday activities is the best way to help them learn and grow.
GERARDINE LAAN NEWELL, 2022/08/08 18:48
Three Key Messages to encourage parental involvement:
Use everyday tasks to stimulate your child.
Brain growth of an infant is only possible if the caregiver is fully engaged at every level and opportunity that arises.
Quiet time with a parent relaxing and reading out loud have benefit even as early as when baby is in the womb
Emilly Mackie, 2022/08/08 13:47
You may already be doing this without even realising it. Pointing out signs, words and colours are a great way to engage with little minds.
Laura Crichton, 2022/08/05 11:29
When grocery shopping, involve your baby/toddler by discussing what is on the list - IE apples.
Talk to the baby about the shape and colour of the apples and how many you are buying. Count the apples as you place them in a bag/trolley. With an older child, discuss the colours and shapes of the apples. Ask the child if they would like red or green apples. Discuss how many apples you're buying and ask the child to help select the number of apples. Count the apples as they are put in the bag. You may like to ask the child to select and count the apples on their own.
Sandra Young, 2022/07/31 18:52
Talking about everyday activities e.g. what is happening today, where you are going and what you'll see helps grow little brain cells.
Talisa Jones, 2022/07/01 11:13
Never doubt the wonders of which becoming more involved in a child's everyday activities can do for you both when it comes to gaining a better connection with one another and discovering new skills and encouraging their little brains to blossom in every way.
Paese, 2022/06/20 11:29
Encourage the child to get involved in little every day tasks and give praises and encouragements for their efforts.
Sharon, 2022/06/17 16:23
Spend time with your child everyday doing simple activities. This is great for their learning.
Laura, 2022/06/13 15:13
the best toy for your child is you and the time spent together.
engaging in everyday activities and chatting along with your child
are so important and can be fun as well
Katie, 2022/06/10 15:59
Ensuring to take the time to interact with your child/children throughout your daily activities is the best way to engage and power your child's brain development.
Dani Kohn, 2022/06/07 13:46
The best way to foster your child's brain development is through simple everyday activities.
Melissa Travers, 2022/06/01 14:28
simple interaction with your children everyday activates their brain for development.
Relly Richards, 2022/05/25 15:33
Incorporating learning in everyday activities, is great for little ones.
Isabella , 2022/05/19 12:28
Just by doing simple, everyday activities will all help your child in their learning experiences.
Sharynn Brigg, 2022/05/05 13:06
Simple everyday interacting is great for both carer and child and can be as simple as children handing the requested coloured peg to hang out the washing. singing when travelling in the car. Nursery rhymes anytime
Joanne Pope, 2022/03/29 15:16
When doing simple daily activities include your child and ask them questions eg. what colour is the bowl or how many potatoes do we have. Make a game of the activity or sing a rhyme wile doing the activity.

We talk to our children and babies on a daily basis so it is never to early to share a story.
Sheree Ryan, 2022/03/29 09:57
Engaging with your children through everyday activities helps get that brain firing
Sabina Ryan, 2022/03/28 10:23
Interacting with your child in everyday activities is the start of their learning and development
Sharon, 2022/03/23 16:42
Doing things together with your child everyday is a great way to help children learn.
toni, 2022/03/14 14:44
Sharing simple everyday activities with your child at home or out and about will get their brains firing away and help build solid early literacy foundations as they grow
Sally Berry, 2022/03/08 14:02
Doing simple, everyday activities with your child is one of the best ways for you to help your child lay the foundations for early literacy learning.
Cassie VonB, 2022/01/29 10:38
Simple interactions with your little one, early on, are important to help their growing minds. It doesn't have to be long or complex, just talking about what you are doing, or having a conversation with them, at their level, even reading your shopping list out to them while you're doing your groceries, helps them learn the basics they need to talk and read.
Amanda Marten, 2022/01/25 10:46
Involving your children in your day to day activities and taking the time to talk, explain, ask questions and even sing while doing these things will help your children to learn in a fun and effective way.
Ann Marie Shepherd, 2022/01/27 17:22
Take time to listen to your children and incorporate learning in almost everything you do. Whether it is taking them for a walk along the creek to view environment of cooking, playing in your home. Key message is listen to your children so you can extend and grow their learning.
van, 2022/01/24 12:22
Everyday activities and interactions with children from a very young age helps to engage and shape their minds.
Sharon Lee, 2022/01/19 10:26
Taking the time to interact with your children when you are going about your every day life is the best way to ignite their brain development. This can be as simple as describing what you are doing as you do it. Eg: "I'm going to open the door so we can go inside". "We are going to go up the escalator".
Ciara C , 2022/01/05 14:29
spending 2 mins, 30 seconds or whatever chance you have to take a moment to have a play with something i.e. counting the steps, hop on one foot into the library is the best way for brains to start making connections to things like shapes, actions, colours etc.
trina, 2022/01/11 14:26
Interacting with your child is a great way to help them learn, this can be as simple as pointing out the names of items in the supermarket or pointing out different colours spotted while on a walk.
Kirsty Wilson, 2021/12/22 10:20
When you interact with your child it ignites their brain fireworks to sparkle and shine. Displaying a celebration of brain growth and development.
Otadan Evans , 2021/12/21 14:24
Kids are observing and learning all the time so make sure you take a little time here and there to help them really understand the thing you do everyday.
Bonnie Harrison, 2021/12/13 11:43
Making time to interact with your little ones during day-to-day activities is the best way to support their brain development.
Corrin Miles , 2021/12/11 13:53
It doesn't matter how or what you read to your children. as long as you are talking it is healthy for a growing brain.
Jennifer Tzilves, 2021/12/11 10:19
Taking the time to interact daily with positive thinking adults is so valuable for their brain development.
As soon as baby is born, start reading. Never too early.
Thomas Gath, 2021/12/06 16:23
Interacting with your children on a regular basis, even just with simple, routine tasks, is a great way to encourage your child's development.
Julie Guteridge, 2021/12/06 16:09
It's so important to be interactive with the children from the beginning.
A few times, I come across a little one talking their own language. I love to have a simple conversation with them about whatever they are saying in easy words. "Your shoe? Yes, there is your shoe. Is it on your foot?" Somehow they seem to jabber all the more excitedly, "like wow, this lady is understanding me". Take every opportunity to engage. Turn it into a song is another tool that we use.
Pamela McGowan, 2021/12/07 13:38
I really like this response - modelling how to have a conversation even if we may not understand what is being said is so valuable in learning the conventions of speech.
Karem Villagran, 2021/12/02 16:59
I think playing is a simple way to learn new words. I usually play "kitchen" with my toddler. As I result he has learnt the words: apple, red, please and yummy.
Pam, 2021/12/02 12:26
Language and learning are everywhere! Talking about things as you're doing stuff at home or out and about works a treat - and it's so easy to do.
Peggy, 2021/11/29 15:50
Little eyes see everything we do, so interacting with our kids while we go about everyday tasks is a great way to get their brains ticking.
Karen Postle, 2021/12/01 14:26
You the Parents/Carers are there most important people to your little ones world. Little ones are like sponges and they love to watch you and try and mimic you.
Robert Morgan, 2021/11/18 14:30
When you interact with growing minds, it's a super important part of their development! It's super easy too; each day, activities like reading and playing help to get the neurons firing and really help build a great foundation for them to begin learning.
Lisa Paterson, 2021/11/16 15:10
It's the time we spend interacting with our little ones - while sharing simple, everyday activities - that are the best way to engage little brains.
Bronnie Carnell, 2021/11/10 12:42
Interacting with your children each day is highly valuable and you can always find words, colours and numbers within your daily life. Incorporating literacy concepts into your daily life helps your children learn and grow
Sandra Gherardi, 2021/11/09 10:53
Point out words when you are out and about. Simple ideas to help fire you little ones imagination
Alan Duncan, 2021/11/02 14:52
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Karem Villagran, 2021/12/02 16:57
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ypf/first5forever/online_training_module3/discussion_q5.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/04 10:42 by Alan Duncan
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