Playing Fiasco
The Edge programming team played Fiasco on Friday 6th August 2017. There were four of us and this was a great number to play. It is a complex game in ways and it is important to know certain confusing rules (which I did not have a good grasp of) It was important for the main person to feel confident with starting off the scenarios. It can be a challenging and confronting step to story tell as your character. In light of this I would suggest putting all the playing tables in close vicinity so as everyone feels like everyone else is doing it and maybe offers a chance to relax into it.
Points to consider when offering it as a public program
- Have a break before the tilt so that all groups can do this together
- Maybe also have a break before the Aftermath as well to do the rolling of dice together again
How talk about it- how it fits into One Last Apocalypse is:
- Unpacking it as a cultural artifact- You can learn new things when you play a game.
- This game forces you as a player to examine social literacy. You see the ways in which you have an immediate effect on those playing with you. How does it do this? Also, you are forced to make decisions and think on the spot. To take steps outside of yourself. Challenge your sense of self.
- It is collaborative. There are no winners or losers. You are telling a story together and imagining it together. Navigating curve balls that get thrown in. The point is to have fun as well!