This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ===== Digital health literacy ===== <setattr name="mhrattrib" text-align="center" color="#1D3773" links-match border-color="#1D3773" border-width="2px 0 2px 0" margin="0 1em -2px 1em" height=15rem vertical-align=middle> Welcome to the Digital health literacy online training program. The program will introduce to you to digital health resources to empower your community in managing their own health literacy. The focus of the resources training is My Health Record, the Australian Government-developed online portal offering every Australian a streamlined, digital approach to managing their health data and history. This training package will also offer the skills needed to deliver digital health literacy training to your community, enabling them to make the most of the multitude of health resources available online, including My Health Record, and the many resources already available through libraries and beyond. ====When you receive your training invitation==== <steps> <step icon="fa pencil" title="Work through the 8 modules" complete>Your invitation email will contain the date range to complete each module below. Allow 30 mins per module on average. You can work through the program at your own pace. Just return to the landing page and click the tile for your next module when you are ready.</step> <step icon="fa check" title="Post-training Survey" complete>Upon completion of the final module, complete the post-training survey that will be emailed to you</step> </steps> \\ <alert info icon="fa info-circle" width=60em align-center margin-bottom=4em>The course modules are browser-based modules and can be accessed in web-browsers on desktop and laptop computers and tablets. Desktop and laptop access will provide the best experience, but if using a tablet, the course content is customized for landscape use only. For best results, Chrome is recommended.</alert> \\ \\ <setattr name="mhrattrib" text-align="center" color="#20407F" links-match border-color="#20407F" border-width="2px 0 2px 0" margin="0 1em -2px 1em" height=15rem vertical-align=middle> <grid cols="50% 50%"> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr1]]><text size=150%>Module 1</text><text size=200%>Introduction</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr2]]><text size=150%>Module 2</text><text size=150%>Getting connected to<br>My Health Record</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr3]]><text size=150%>Module 3</text><text size=150%>My Health Record<br>in depth</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr4]]><text size=150%>Module 4</text><text size=150%>A secure system</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr5]]><text size=150%>Module 5</text><text size=150%>Online training simulator</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr6]]><text size=150%>Module 6</text><text size=150%>Community partnerships-<br>working together</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr7]]><text size=150%>Module 7</text><text size=150%>Resources</text></box> <box attr=mhrattrib url=[[digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:mhr8]]><text size=150%>Module 8</text><text size=150%>Incorporating health awareness<br>in existing library programming</text></box> </grid> ~~HERO-COLORS #20407F #FFF #FFF #FFF #FFF~~ ~~NOSIDEBAR~~ ~~NOTOC~~ ~~HERO-IMAGE {{:digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:my_health_record_banner_1.png}}~~ ~~HERO-SUBTITLE online training program~~ {{ :digital_literacy:training:my_health_record:my_health_record_banners_2.png?nolink&2000 |}}