BRIO construction Kit

BRIO construction Kit

The BRIO builder construction set includes easy-to-use construction tools such as hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches, wooden and plastic parts to build just about anything. And when you’re done, take it apart and start again! With the added options of active components such as wheels, pivots and bolts, you have all the ingredients for real-world challenges to encourage skills from fine motor to problem-solving and logical thinking.

Recommended Ages (ages 3+)
Product Cost $35-70
Where to Purchase Alpha Kits can be purchased from Shop of toys Mr Toys

Loanable Kits

State Library has kits of this item available for loan to libraries within the Regional Libraries Queensland and Indigenous Knowledge Centres network. Libraries can place a reservation through the Aurora catalogue (availability is subject to existing reservations, loans and associated return dates).

The kits are for use by patrons within the library only, as part of supervised library programming. They will not be listed in the public online catalogue for personal reservation.

Please contact Access Services, or phone 07 3842 9014 with any queries.


digital_literacy/technology_resources/brio_builder/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/12 10:15 by James Collins
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