Idea sharing - Key messaging 2

Key message 2: “Positive interactions and experiences with the significant adults in a child’s life are valuable for optimal brain development”.
Rewrite this key message in your own words to make it feel more authentic to you. Contribute your thoughts to the discussion forum below. Please feel free to comment on or reply to any other contributions.


Sunny Wells, 2024/08/30 14:52
Positive interactions with the most important adults in a child's life, are extremely valuable in terms of brain development.
Kate Burke, 2024/01/17 11:21
You and other caregivers in your child's life are their most important people. Every position interaction they have with you in setting them up for their future.
Marianna Shek, 2023/08/09 10:08
You don't need to spend a super amount of time with your child. Just make sure that you allocate a small amount of one-on-one time every day where you are really present (phones down if possible) to communicate with your child
Isabella Iuzzolino, 2023/07/20 14:19
When you spend quality time with your little one, it sets their brain up for optimal brain development
Kirsty, 2023/06/15 17:00
Activities and experiences with family, friends and positive role models are important for learning and development of children.
Emma, 2023/06/16 13:51
Did you know you are the most important teacher in your child's life, and you don't even need a qualification? Your child wants nothing more than your attention: eyes on their face, smiles, cuddles, gentle tickles, silly sounds, and chat. It is these simple positive interactions from the important people in their life that are most important to a child's early brain development.
Jarrah, 2023/06/07 12:58
Being present and positive while interacting with your child will aid in brain development.
Michelle, 2023/05/23 11:57
Be present with your child, put down the phone or stop the task to listen to them. Good role modelling will set positive behaviours
Timothy M, 2023/05/05 11:00
Good chats and experiences with important adults in their life is vital for helping little brains grow.
Annette, 2023/04/05 11:31
Everyday interaction and engagement with our little ones makes them feel valued this is a positive and exciting experience for them, contributing to their development. Have fun! Enjoy making memories together.
Val, 2023/03/31 11:32
Having positive interactions creates a good environment for your child's learning and development.
Kirby, 2023/03/30 11:44
“Positive interactions and experiences with the significant adults in a child’s life are valuable for optimal brain development”.

Kids love to learn from their grown ups, so have fun and enjoy memory making together. Every positive interaction is contributing to their development.
Daisey , 2023/03/30 11:26
95% of a child’s development happens within the first five years. For your child to develop valuable life skills, spend some quality one-on-one time with your children as they grow. Form happy bonds and create special memories to reinforce positive connections and interactions.
Amy, 2023/03/29 10:58
Spending time interacting with you and other important grown-ups is great for your little one's brain development. You are like a celebrity to them, they want to spend time with you!
Lilly, 2023/03/29 15:33
Fun, happy and positive moments between you and your child are the best thing you can do for a growing brain.
Rae, 2023/03/02 14:41
You’re one of the most important people in your kid’s life, and that means positive interactions with you are some of the most important things for their development
Kate, 2023/02/16 12:52
Positive experiences with the grown ups in childrens lives is so important for emotional, social and brain development
Lisa D, 2023/02/14 11:50
You and other parents/guardians are the most important person in your child's life, to help them develop positively and confidently.
Lisa B, 2023/02/13 16:19
It is important to take the time to interact with children in a positive way.
Kellie, 2023/02/02 13:24
Taking the time as a parent or F5F is so very important as this time with the child, encouraging communication and establish connections
Hyunjung Kim, 2023/02/01 16:30
You are most important in your child's learning journey. spend more time as much as you can to interact in positive way to encourage their development.
Lily, 2023/01/19 13:46
YOU are so important to your child's early learning and growth. Interacting with your children in a positive way in varied experiences is a great way to encourage development.
Laura Elizabeth Kronk, 2022/12/05 16:10
You are their most important person, and interacting with you through positive activities helps them grown up happy and secure!
Susan, 2022/12/02 11:18
Your child learns the most from you. Having fun with you aids in their development.
Melissa Stansbie, 2022/11/16 14:16
Don't miss any opportunity to engage with your child. They look to you for everything
Maura, 2022/08/31 14:52
As an adult and carer, encourage relaxed interactions and make space for singing and playing activities on a daily basis to provide a positive and entertaining learning experience.
Chrissy Vass, 2022/08/17 10:43
You are their most important person. They love to be with you, learning from you. Making your interactions positive helps them feel safe to learn.
Kristy, 2022/08/16 15:39
Talking, laughing, playing and singing with your little one every day will give your little one's brain the joy and delight of learning and growing.
Georgia, 2022/08/15 11:54
Kids learn best from the adults in their life! They love interacting with you and these experiences are good for their growing brains.
Laura Crichton, 2022/08/05 11:35
Take the time to listen to the child sharing their 'news'. It could be something like a butterfly they saw on a flower. Encourage a discussion about the colour of the butterfly, shape of the wings, colour of flower, flower's smell etc. This makes the child feel valued - positive reinforcement.
Sandra Young, 2022/07/31 18:54
Just 5 minutes a day of talking, songs, rhymes and reading creates positive experiences and develops optimal brain development.
Talisa Jones, 2022/07/01 11:27
Kids are wonderfully curious and observant creatures and learn a great deal from their parents especially. So ensuring a positive outlook on communication with one another from a young age will allow both your child and you to feel more connected and comfortable to talk to each other as well as carrying out that good communication into other social situations throughout their life.
Paese, 2022/06/20 11:33
Using positive role modelling, praises and encouragement to make learning more enjoyable for the child. Also repetition can help the child to remember especially if it's an activity the child enjoys.
Sharon, 2022/06/17 16:25
Positive interactions and experiences with the special adults in a child's life is the best way to help their brain development.
Donna, 2022/06/14 16:22
Making learning fun helps your child want to learn.
Laura, 2022/06/13 15:15
look to actively Include your child in your day, grandparents, siblings , caregivers daily lives. either in person or by skype/zoom
Katie, 2022/06/10 16:54
By having positive interactions with the important adults within a child's life are valuable to encourage and foster your child's brain development.
Dani Kohn, 2022/06/07 13:47
You are the best and most important person to your child. Positive interactions with you is what helps their brains to develop.
Melissa Travers, 2022/06/01 14:34
the influence of the adults in a childs life creates not only a special bond but the opportunity for teh child to grow, learn and develop.
Relly Richards, 2022/05/25 15:35
Your children learn from you. Make learning enjoyable and fun and they will not even realise that they are learning.
Angela, 2022/05/19 16:18
You are your child's first and most important teacher. Creating a safe space where you can share experiences is a really valuable way to support their development.
Isabella , 2022/05/19 12:29
Your child learns best from you as you are their very first and most important teacher
Sharynn Brigg, 2022/05/05 13:08
Take the time to talk read and sing with your child. They love you and you are their role model. Simple everyday interactions help develop their brains.
Sheree Ryan, 2022/03/29 09:58
Positive interactions with parents starts the childrens brain development
Sabina Ryan, 2022/03/28 10:26
The Childs brain development starts with the positive experiences they have with their parents
Sharon, 2022/03/23 16:44
Positive interactions and experiences with the special adults in a child's life is the best way to help them learn.
Toni, 2022/03/14 14:46
You are your child's first and most important teacher. You are their world. Spend time with them each day to introduce them to the wider world and all it has to offer.
Sally Berry, 2022/03/08 14:03
The everyday interactions and experiences that you have with your child on a daily basis are the most important ones.
Cassie VonB, 2022/01/29 10:43
Ask the special grown-ups in your child's life, if they can spend some time singing, reading, or talking to bub. Baby's brain is hardwired to listen and take notice of these special voices, which will help grow those valuable early learning literacy skills.
Amanda Marten, 2022/01/25 10:49
Being positive and active each day with your children will help them boost their brain development in a very positive way.
Van, 2022/01/24 12:23
Positive adult role modeling is invaluable to help a child develop. They look to you for all examples at this age.
Sharon Lee, 2022/01/19 10:31
Positive experiences and interactions with the important adults in their life is vital for a child's brain development. You are a child's best teacher.
Ciara C , 2022/01/05 14:31
taking the time to create a positive experience between yourself and your little one sets up a pathway in their brains for development - for example singing along together at story time - that creates a moment between you both
Kirsty Wilson, 2021/12/22 10:23
Brains ignite with an explosion of activity when children's special adults spend time with them and positively interact.
Otadan Evans , 2021/12/21 14:26
For every kid you (the Parent/Carer) are there superhero, the person they look up to the most, and it doesn't matter what your doing kids just wanna be apart of it, cause all they want is to spent time with you.
Bonnie Harrison, 2021/12/13 11:45
You are your child's first and most important teacher. Positive interactions and experiences with the important adults in a child’s life are so valuable to give little ones the best start in life, and support their developing brains.
Corrin Miles , 2021/12/11 13:54
your voice is your babies favourite. they love listening to you.
Thomas Gath, 2021/12/06 16:32
Children love to learn, and they learn best from the people they spend the most time around. In order to support and compliment a child's development and learning, parents should aim to create as many positive interactions and experience for their child as possible.
Julie Guteridge, 2021/12/06 16:14
These little brains are learning all the time and you are the best person to provide them with many opportunities to help those brains grow and develop with rhymes, silly songs, drawing, personal storytelling and as they start talking they will have the most amazing stories to tell.
Pamela McGowan, 2021/12/07 13:45
I love the simplicity of this one. I'd make it more inclusive by saying : Kids learn best from the bigger people in their lives. This could include other family and caregivers.
Pam, 2021/12/02 12:28
Kids learn best from Mum and Dad. They love interacting with you, and it's good for their brains.
Cathy Mckenzie, 2021/11/30 15:30
Spending time with your children is the single most important thing that you can do with them. Just have fun with them, sing nonsense with them, play games. Spend time!!!
Karen Postle, 2021/12/01 14:28
Have fun with your little ones. Sing songs while you are in the car driving, snuggle and read a book, you don't have to read the whole book. Try going through the book looking at just the pictures and talking about them..the colours, etc
Peggy, 2021/11/29 15:54
Your little ones learn so much just by being around you and other adults who they see all the time. These everyday interactions help their brains grow.
Robert Morgan, 2021/11/18 14:34
Positive interactions and experiences with the significant adults in a child’s life are valuable for optimal brain development

It is super important to build these connections very early - when parents or guardians interact with their little ones in a loving way, it's especially good for establishing those building blocks with which they will continue to learn and grow.
Lisa Paterson, 2021/11/16 15:14
When our little ones spend time with Mum and Dad, they are developing positive behaviours and encouraging communication.
Bronnie Carnell, 2021/11/10 12:43
Interacting with their adult loved ones in a positive way each day is vital for children to grow up happy and secure, and to help their brains develop
Sandra Gherardi, 2021/11/09 10:53
you are your child's first and most important teacher
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ypf/first5forever/online_training_module3/discussion_q6.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/04 10:43 by Alan Duncan
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