Idea sharing - Planning

“Why do you think planning for a session is important? Contribute your thoughts to the discussion forum below. Please feel free to comment on or reply to any other contributions.


Sovannie Pearson, 2024/10/16 09:49
It ensures that the F5F goal is met and that you are more readily prepared to make adjustments if necessary during the program. It keeps you efficient, engaging, and consistent
Sunny Wells, 2024/08/30 14:25
Planning ensures effectiveness, efficiency in achieving the goals of what one sets out to do. In ensures that the necessary parts of the program are completed, and individuals are receiving what is intended to be delivered, out of the program.
Robyn Dauer, 2024/04/22 07:53
It makes sure you have covered the essentials.
Nyrie North, 2024/03/05 12:43
Planning helps with the organisation of a session, so that it flows smoothly and covers all the elements you wish to include.
Caro Lau, 2023/10/27 07:59
Planning ensures you maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of your delivery to ensure you meet your desired goals and outcomes i.e. children having fun and learning through play in a safe, supportive environment with the most important people in their lives - Mums, Dads, Grandparents, caregivers.
Marianna Shek, 2023/08/07 16:36
Planning ensures that you can deliver the information in a professional and effective way. It ensures the children get the most out of the session.
Isabella Iuzzolino, 2023/07/20 13:55
Planning helps ensure that the program runs smoothly and that all the main points of the program are addressed
yvette marincowits, 2023/06/28 13:14
Planning is crucial to not only help you to be organised and ready, but also to incorporate variety in your session and to track progress.
Kirsty, 2023/06/15 16:36
Planning is important before a session so you can deliver a great lesson. Planning helps you to understand what you are delivering and when and how to deliver the information or content.
Emma, 2023/06/16 12:34
Planning for a F5F Session is important as it allows you to know what you will do and feel confident in your delivery. It also means that you can build a session where you might explore a particular theme, or focus on a certain type of learning tool, finding different ways to re-enforce your main message or idea. It can also help you to stick to the time limit you have for your session.
Michelle, 2023/05/23 11:30
Planning a program is like a story, you need a start, middle and ending and a clear guide of what you wish to achieve.
Planning sets your goals and gives you clear guidelines for the time you have and how to achieve them
Timothy M, 2023/05/05 10:16
Planning of any program is important in order to give a facilitator understanding of what the program will look like in delivery, as well as providing a potential opportunity to minimise risks and maximise engagement.
Annette, 2023/04/05 10:46
Keeps you on track with what has been planned and ensures you have covered everything for that session.
Val, 2023/03/30 13:37
Planning helps with remembering to include particular content, it also allows the construction of a timeline of ideas/activities to help scaffold concepts. Such as singing a nursery rhyme and then delving into an associated text, drawing out aligned ideas and then entrenching them by repeating the rhyme.
Kirby, 2023/03/30 11:03
Planning is important to give guidance and confidence in delivering of a program.
Deana, 2023/04/18 13:49
Perfect answer. I agree with Daisey!
Daisey , 2023/03/28 10:36
Planning a program ensures that you can maximise the development and utilise the time the children have within a session. It also ensures that the objectives of the session are met in a focused structure. whilst it runs smoothly and efficiently to meet the First Five Forever framework.
Lilly, 2023/03/29 15:08
Planning creates a clear goal and structure. It reduces stress and helps with confident presentation.
Hyunkyung Kang, 2023/03/17 13:39
Planning helps establishing the goals and objectives of the session and deliver it accordingly.
Douglas, 2023/03/16 14:15
To be successful in running the program, reviewing the plans and making adjustments where necessary.
Kim, 2023/03/02 11:21
Planning gives you the opportunity to prepare for the session in advance. You can pre-read your books so you have an idea of what they're about and how they're read (do the lines rhyme or not) and to try out the follow up activities you have planned to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Rae, 2023/03/01 15:54
Planning ensures that you know what you're doing as soon as you start presenting. You can make sure that everything that you want/need is actually ready and available, go over what you'll be doing to make sure that it's all age-appropriate, and if you're presenting with a partner, it means that you can make sure you're both on the same page, with no tripping over each other as you try to do different things.
Jodie , 2023/02/28 16:12
Planning is important because it ensures that the session runs smoothly and delivered efficiently.
Kate, 2023/02/16 12:12
Planning allows for session to have a structure that helps build confidence, even when changes are made on the spot
Lisa D, 2023/02/14 11:16
Planning ensures that you are delivering appropriate content to a specific age or group. You are able to look at previous sessions and see what went well, or what could be changed or improved. Planning also enables you to think about any questions or discussions that may come up during the session, and think about how you would answer appropriately.
Lisa B, 2023/02/13 13:39
Planning helps you organise your sessions to cover the areas which you are aiming to cover. It ensures that you have all of the resources that you need to present the sessions.
Kellie, 2023/02/02 13:04
Planning helps with your structure and organisation of a session, so that it flows smoothly and covers all the elements you wish to include.
Kellie, 2023/02/02 13:02
Planning helps with your structure and organisation of a session, so that it flows smoothly and covers all the elements you wish to include.
Hyunjung Kim, 2023/02/01 16:17
Planning a program helps to ensure that the library provides program as it supposed to be.
Lily, 2023/01/19 13:20
Planning is important as it will be evident in your delivery. By being well-prepared, the parents and families attending will have a much more enjoyable time. It also ensures that you are optimising the opportunity and implementing the varied learning methods and techniques.
Elenore, 2023/01/14 13:42
Planning the sessions ensures the content is covered in the timeframe, parents and children are engaged and activities develop early literacy skills.
Sam, 2023/01/13 09:47
Planning helps to ensure that the program provided runs smoothly with each activity transitioning into the next with ease. Planning ensures that each element of the program is met to the standards of First 5 Forever
Allison , 2022/12/23 15:56
PLanning ensures that there is ease in delivering the program, that there are no awkward gaps in time and that you can track and reflect on program delivery over time.
karen, 2022/12/20 05:38
It allows for the session to run smoothly and transition from each song/story seamlessly. It helps the presenter to feel more at ease having thought through and planned the content of the session. It gives focus and direction whilst still allowing for flexibility.
Laura Kronk, 2022/12/05 15:48
Planning allows for you to go into a session well prepared. It helps you keep your message clear and enables you to ensure you are delivering a good session.
Susan Willoughby, 2022/11/09 13:34
I think planning ensures you have a clear message and goal in mind. It also allows you to make sure what you do in your session meets this goal and it helps you stay on track if you get flustered during a session.
Zoe , 2022/09/27 15:44
I think planning your programs is important because it allows you to properly think about the content you are going to cover, whilst ensuring that you a comfortable with it and it is suitable for the audience you are delivering to.

It also helps you to feel more confident with presenting on the day because everything is prepared and this in turn helps you to deliver a professional and enjoyable program for families attending.
Carla Devereux, 2022/09/06 12:43
Planning ahead is essential to ensure you cover everything you are wanting to cover in the programs. It also allows you to familiarise yourself with the upcoming program to make sure what you are presenting is appropriate, and works well for the set audience.
Kate Fletcher, 2022/09/03 16:34
Planning helps with your structure and organisation of a session, so that it flows smoothly and covers all the elements you wish to include.
Maura, 2022/08/30 15:53
It helps with time management, to cover the main key elements, and to have a structure to follow especially at the beginning.
Chrissy Vass, 2022/08/11 16:07
Planning helps me to think about how I want to deliver my key message and the flow of my session.
jacqui, 2022/08/23 13:33
planning provides a guide during the session, and gives you focus and ideas. It allows you time to think about a central theme to your session and ensure you have your key messages and resources organized.
GERARDINE LAAN NEWELL, 2022/08/08 18:07
Sticking to a well organized session template ensures you stay on task and deliver a professional service
Huong , 2022/09/12 13:02
I strongly agree with this idea.
Tracy Kilkelly, 2022/08/05 16:09
Planning helps with confidence and helps keep you on track.
Laura Crichton, 2022/08/05 10:25
Planning for a program makes you more professional at your job. You are organised, in control and can deliver the program in a calm way. If doing craft, children are not kept waiting while you gather the required items - children can be impatient. I plan my Story Time and Craft sessions at least a week ahead. Sometimes I've been unable to deliver a program but as every thing has been prepared, a colleague is able to step in and deliver the program in my absence.
Melissa Stansbie, 2022/11/16 13:58
Yes. This is a perfect example of utilising effective planning
Jacqueline Smith, 2022/08/03 12:23
Planning ensure the program runs as smoothly as it can and also allows for change if required.
Kristy, 2022/08/02 16:42
Allows you to deliver a clear key message and session with confidence and enables you to be supportive and engaging with all attendees while having the ability to change the session based on the needs of the attendees as well.
Sandra Young, 2022/07/31 18:14
Planning provides me with confidence in the materials I am using. I pre-read the books and poems so that I can pick out interesting and fun points to share and to find the right tone, humour etc in the book. I particularly like to create a session around a theme so that the book and following rhyme or song are related and create 'flow'.
Peta, 2022/07/05 13:34
Ensures delivery staff feel prepared and are covering key messages and themes.
Talisa Jones, 2022/07/01 09:59
Planning is something that comes into play in our everyday lives to keep us organized, prepared and to ensure we are doing something to the best of our abilities!
Paese, 2022/06/20 11:14
To ensure all needed resources such as book, music, musical instruments etc are ready and organized in the order the session will be delivered. Also reduces anxiety, displays confidence and professionalism.
Alice, 2022/06/15 09:49
Planning allows you to feel organised, increases confidence and familiarity with what you are presenting.
Laura, 2022/06/13 14:43
planning is important so objectives are achieved.
you are also comfortable and familiar with what you are presenting
and this engages your audience
Dani Kohn, 2022/06/07 13:22
Planning is important so that you have a focus for the session.
It allows you to hone in on the key messages and practices you want to share with families.
It allows you to have the objectives in the front of your mind when delivering.
It gives you a sequence and framework to use to keep you on track.
It gives you tangible things to reflect on at the end. ie. Did I achieve my goals? Were families engaged or should I reconsider this element for future programs?
Katie, 2022/06/01 14:46
Planning allows you to ensure that you are prepared for your upcoming session. It allows you to be prepared with what songs you are going to be singing, what book you are going to be reading, what craft is prepared and what other props will be used within the session.
Melissa Travers, 2022/06/01 14:14
Planing is important so that you can meet the needs of the program and audience. It also provides a means of being organised to ensure the session runs smoothly.
Donna Mead, 2022/05/19 14:14
test comment
Isabella , 2022/05/19 12:00
Planning is important as it allows for you as the facilitator to know plan ahead of time how the session will run, what books and/or songs to sing and read and helps you feel more comfortable knowing what you will do and prepare for back up if needed.
Angela, 2022/05/18 13:28
Planning helps me to become familiar with the content which then adds to my confidence and calm when delivering a session.
A Emanuelli, 2022/05/10 20:51
To avoid chaos and panic
Sharynn Brigg, 2022/05/05 12:34
To ensure that you have the resources that you need on hand. To ensure that you cover all of the aspects that make first 5
Miriam Fejo, 2022/04/12 11:34
To ensure that you are prepared for the program. This will mean that you are confident and can provide a quality service. People may not attend again if facilitator isn's prepared.
bree, 2022/04/11 15:12
Planning helps the individual and team and allows flexibility to run the program smoothly, it also allows for adaptation if needed.
Joanne Pope, 2022/03/29 14:39
You have thought through your session before starting and you can adapt session quickly if necessary. It also good to have a reminder of the order you are presenting your session especially if you have only just started the sessions.
Sheree Ryan, 2022/03/29 09:50
It is important to plan for a session so that everything is organized and runs smoothly
Sabina Ryan, 2022/03/28 10:03
Planning for a session is important as it gives you the time to prepare your session and have everything on hand
Sharon, 2022/03/23 15:36
Planning gives you direction and purpose, reminding you what to include in a well rounded session. You can keep the plans so you have a record of the themes and First 5 Forever messages you have used. It also makes it easy if another staff member needs to take the session at the last minute.
Sue, 2022/03/18 14:02
Planning allows you to run sessions that are well run, include all the elements of the first5 forever messages and respond to the needs of your local families and community.
Leanne , 2022/03/15 16:39
Planning allows for a well run session
Toni, 2022/03/14 13:46
Planning allows you to be organised with resources and focus on key messages you'd like to use during the session. It allows the opportunity to share and plan with other team members to provide a range of sessions or have a handy session plan ready for last minute filling in.
Sally Berry, 2022/03/08 13:04
Planning helps you focus on areas you want to address, it helps you to prepare mentally and deliver a well thought out session.
Carolyn Beattie, 2022/02/09 12:02
Planning ensures a well run session
Susan Cruickshank, 2022/02/17 15:27
Definitely ensures a checklist of materials is gathered, the sequence of activities flows, room is prepared, and session runs to time to promote participant confidence in the library program while allowing participation spontaneity to a degree.
Chloe Riggs, 2022/02/08 11:52
Planning is important so that you are able feel prepared and informed to then confidently deliver the program at a professional level. When i present a well planned session it allows me to relax and be more flexible.
Cassie VonB, 2022/01/28 10:36
Planning is a great way to help you deliver a well thought out program, and gives you confidence to facilitate it.
Amanda Marten, 2022/01/25 10:08
Planning is needed so that we can find appropriate resources (books, toys, activities) that we can use during this time effectively. It also allows each session to be run in the same way so that children and parents know what to expect. It helps me know what I am supposed to be doing and helps to promote the best messages and experiences from our first5forever program. It also helps as a backup if the sessions tend to go in their own direction (which is always great).
Ann Marie Shepherd, 2022/01/27 16:59
Planning is key. You need to be prepared, have clear guidelines for your session and understand how the session is going to be delivered so it brings maximum engagement to both children and parents.
Ann Marie Shepherd, 2022/01/27 17:02
Chaos v a well delivered program/s.
Van, 2022/01/24 11:16
Planning your sessions helps you to create an engaging and enjoyable session for both adults and children. You can adapt different session to continue with popular themes and ideas or change them up to better engage with your audience.
Sheridan, 2022/01/21 16:04
Planning allows staff to organize their materials ahead of time, will make them comfortable with the content they're delivering and produce a better quality session. It also means if there are any last minute changes, another staff can step in seamlessly without lessening the quality of the program.
Sharon Lee, 2022/01/19 09:42
Planning allows you to ensure you deliver key messages confidently. You will be more engaging if you know the stories you are reading well.
Antonia Mobbs, 2022/01/14 13:00
Planning your session allows you to confidently deliver the program. Your audience will be more engaged and it's easier to be flexible.
GERARDINE LAAN NEWELL, 2022/01/11 15:48
The scheduled program will be delivered far more professionally and at a manageable level
Ciara C , 2022/01/05 14:25
to feel prepared and ready to respond to the families
trina, 2022/01/11 14:15
So you know what you are doing.
Kirsty Wilson, 2021/12/22 09:44
Planning assists in developing programs that are relevant, flexible and engaging. Planning gives direction and allows for elements of incidental learning to be included.
Otadan Evans , 2021/12/21 13:44
Planning gives us a guide we can follow to ensure we don't get to far of topic or loose our way.
Nicole Hunt, 2021/12/20 09:39
Planning is essential to ensure you have positive outcomes and meet your objectives.
Corrin Miles , 2021/12/11 13:26
I believe that planning for a session is important because it lets the program run smoothly and allows you to ensure you get get across all the key messages to the families.
Jennifer Tzilves, 2021/12/11 09:35
Forward planning in everyday life is important and this is no different.
It gives you direction, flexibility and keeps you on track to provide the best for the littlies.
Once I have made my plan, I can relax with confidence and look forward to the sessions.
Antonia Mobbs, 2021/12/10 16:23
Planning is important to ensure you have confidence in your session and the ability to stay flexible when needed.
Laura Ellul, 2021/12/07 14:17
Planning is important to give the session meaning.
Pamela McGowan, 2021/12/07 11:33
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it.

Important to know the why we do something so the what, how and when can be developed.
Thomas Gath, 2021/12/06 15:48
Planning sessions helps effectively create sessions that align with the core goals of First 5 Forever for the intended audience. Planning may also help you keep a record of themes covered, which could make planning for future sessions easier and more effective too
Pam, 2021/12/02 11:51
It's important to plan any public programme, so you don't stumble and stammer through the entire thing! Planning storytime sessions can help you make sure you don't miss anything, like having books and crafts that are suitable for the age group, or having supplies and props on hand.
Claudia Honnery, 2021/12/02 09:43
Bonnie Harrison, 2021/12/01 11:17
Planning your sessions helps you to make them as effective, engaging and enjoyable as possible. It encourages you to have a clear focus or theme for the session that aligns with key messages and aims of First 5 Forever. Planning also provides an opportunity to consider how you might adapt sessions depending on your attendees on the day.
Karen Postle, 2021/12/01 14:02
To have a guide to look to when delivering First 5 sessions ensuring the storytime runs smoothly. It also provides confidence to the person delivering
Leanne Riddle, 2021/11/30 16:33
Planning programs allows you to build an understanding of how important it is to support families and children and engage them in all activities through First 5 sessions. It's also a great way to involve children and focus on particular areas which capture the interest of little ones.
Cathy Mckenzie, 2021/11/30 14:54
Planning helps you make sure you have all that you need for the session, stay on message and deliver a well thought out program.
Jacqui Hayward, 2021/11/29 13:44
To get your thoughts and ideas done so that you can get an overall view of what you are planning to ensure it is fluid, relevant, and engaging. To ensure you messaging is clear and delivered naturally.
Leanne Donnelly, 2021/11/29 08:35
Keep a record of what you have covered. Ensure all areas are addressed and a good variety of books are used
Peggy, 2021/11/24 12:03
Planning is a great way to make sure you deliver a well thought out program that appeals to your audience and conveys all the important information.
Robert Morgan, 2021/11/18 13:53
Planning is important as it allows you to be able to organise an effective, entertaining and educational program for the kids. It allows you to make sure all the guidelines and directives are being followed, and it helps you to present a polished program, in order to keep the young ones engaged and to keep the parents focussed.
Fiona Thackray, 2021/11/17 10:16
Planning allows you to create sessions with a particular focus and encourages variety of content. I also plan follow up or extra activities so i can be flexible to meet the needs of the children/families at the session.
Lisa, 2021/11/16 14:44
Planning provides a focus and a direction for the program. Although flexibility is key, a successful program will start out with a specific aim.
Julie Guteridge, 2021/11/12 13:00
Planning is important to our program so that you can work the books that will read together with a message and an activity. It is important to read the books through so you don't come across any surprise twists in the story that may not be appropriate to share with your young audience.
Bronnie, 2021/11/10 12:24
Planning allows to to ensure that you cover everything you need to, and that the messages sent to the parents are consistent and comply with F5F guidelines
Sandra Gherardi, 2021/11/09 10:21
Planning allows you to have a framework to run sessions off and gives you the scope and knowledge to adjust if required
Liam, 2021/11/04 15:23
Android test
Georgina Crowe, 2021/11/03 14:15
Planning helps you be specific about what you want to deliver
Alan Duncan, 2021/11/03 10:39
new test comment
Alan Duncan, 2021/11/02 14:24
test comment
Emilly Mackie, 2022/07/23 14:18
Planning helps to ensure that you cover everything that you planned to cover. It is very easy to get swept up and miss or forget something that you really wanted to do that session.
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ypf/first5forever/online_training_module3/discussion_q1.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 16:08 by Alan Duncan
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