FUN PALACE 2018 Sandcastles
Choose from a selection of shapes to make take-home sand play moulds from recycled milk bottles using a mini-vacuum former.
Activity Details
Type Walk Up
Duration - Walk Up
# Deliveries - 3 in Afternoon
Duration - 20 min
Target Audience - Little people 3 - 6 yo and their big people
Learning Outcomes
In this session big people will learn about and get to have a go of vacuum forming - collaborating with their little people to design and fabricate a sandplay mold. Then the little people can test it out on the Sand play tables.
Session Plan
- 5min - Explain/ demonstrate Vacuum Former
- 5min - build a form out of blocks
- 5min - Vacuum form
- 5min - test mold
Facilitator notes
- whats a vacuum former? when was it first invented? What do they use them for industry? (see Make your own Vacuum Former for how to make a vacuum former for under $20)
- What does the edge use them for?
- Whats so great about sand play for kids?
- How did we make these tables? (CNC)
- Fun fact - Vacuum-formed components can be used in place of complex fabricated sheet metal, fiberglass, or plastic injection molding
- Interesting fact for child/teenager - Vacuum formers are also often used by hobbyists, for applications such as masks and remote control cars
- Interesting Fact for an adult - The most inventive way to use vacuum forming is to take any small item, replicate it many times and then vacuum for the new pattern to create a more cohesive form.
- Image - Picture of Darth Vader in Carbonite Vacuum Forming - Star Wars
- A dot point that relates to the QLD collection – State Library’s Asia Pacific Design Library hold collections about design techniques including vacuum forming including this book ‘Product and Furniture Design’,contains,Vacuum%20forming&facet=local7,include,Asia%20Pacific%20Design%20Library&offset=0
Materials Req
- Blocks
- Sand play table
- bulk sand
- Broom
- water
- Pre cut Recycled Milk bottles (60)
Equipment Req
- Vacuum Former x4
- Vacuum x4
- Hot Air Gun x4
Hi Andrei. here are the sandpit files for Dennis fro tomorrow.
A few notes.
I have rotated it 90 degrees this time to suit the Multicam. the design is designed for seventeen mm Ply - NOT 15mm the tool is set to 6.35 Dennis wants to circular cuts in the top - not the large rectangles - so some - all - parts will need to be moved to outside the top piece, but there is room-a-plenty.
I would just draw the circles in V carve - its very easy.