Table of Contents

Grumpus Design, Prototyping & Fabrication Sprints

Here you will find support for the community, school and university based making programs for the Large Sculpture creating. Each group has it's own page, which can be found below!


Welcome to the Making of the Grumpus!

This extraordinary project is a celebration of creativity, community, and is happening throughout 2021. This section of the Wiki is to support the groups of students and community makers.

In the Great & Grand Rumpus, children are the creative visionaries tasked with imagining the world that is to be created, a dream-like work full of fantastical creatures, spaces, sounds and sensations. Over the coming weeks and months, children in primary schools across the city will dream big and imagine this imaginary world, creating drawings, sculptures, stories and more. These ideas will be documented by the children themselves, and catalogued in a growing online collection of inspiration, available for others' view and use.

This is where you come in. We are creating a team of enthusiastic student and community designers. Their task: to take the incredible ideas children have created and use them as the starting point for a creative process leading to the development of ready to build designs, for The Great and Grand Rumpus Exhibit.

Finally, utilising State Library’s very own makerspace at The Edge this team of student and community fabricators will bring these ideas to life, building them in large scale, ready to exhibit, and eventually for the public to enjoy!

Check out the video from the 2018 Great and Grand Rumpus.

Read more about the creative process;

Creative Brief for Community design, prototype and fabrication process

Here's our Pinterest Board to help with inspiration!


Designed Things Running Updates


During the making of the Great and Grand Rumpus, we collaborated with school, university and community groups to bring children's drawings to life!

The place for our QUT designers and makers QUT

Saturday Arvo Crew
The place for our community designers and makers Saturday Arvo Crew

Brisbane State High
The place for our Brisbane State High designers & makers Brisbane State High

The place for our BSSSC designers & makers BSSSC

West End Primary
The place for our West End Primary designers makers West End Primary

Griffith Southbank
The place for our Griffith Uni Southbank designers & makers Griffith Southbank

Griffith GC Group 1
The place for our Griffith Uni Gold Coast Group 1 Griffith GC Group 1

Griffith GC Group 2
The place for our Griffith Uni Gold Coast Group 2 Griffith GC Group 2

Facilitator Tasks

If you are facilitating one of the workshops;

Please make sure to get participants to complete a SLQ Consent Form so we can capture photos and video at the very beginning of the workshop series. Forms can be downloaded HERE

Please make sure participants fill in the Designed Things submission at the end of you session; A PORTAL FOR DESIGNED THINGS

As the facilitator, we also ask that you create a session plan. These are located under each of the workshop groups below. You will also be required to fill in the Reflection Report - Well Making Design Workshop - Reflection Form