4.1.1 Idea sharing - Play

“Why do you think play is important? Contribute your thoughts to the discussion forum below. Please feel free to comment on or reply to any other contributions.


Sunny Wells, 2024/08/30 15:08
Play is important for learning and development. Children learn by playing, they practice communicating, they learn what different objects are. They are creative and encouraged to think outside the box. Children develop fine motor skills, physical skills, social skills and communication all just from playing.
Nyrie North, 2024/03/19 11:34
Play is fun. It stirs the imagination, stimulates the mind, develops physical and mental aptitude, opens children to new experiences and provides a backdrop to learning.
Kate Burke, 2024/01/17 11:44
We learn through play, especially children. It gives them opportunities to learn social cues and roles, engage in problem solving, practice recognition of patterns, colours etc.
Marianna Shek, 2023/08/08 14:18
Play is how humans learn. Play is an instinctive human behaviour that comes before reading, writing, singing or any other creative experience
Isabella Iuzzolino, 2023/07/20 14:46
it allows children to use their imagination and learn in a fun and interesting way
Kate C, 2023/06/27 12:18
It allows for children to embrace learning in a way that is fun for them
Kirsty, 2023/06/16 09:28
Play is important because it is stimulating, it is fun and everyone learns from play.
Emma Rule, 2023/06/26 12:53
Play is important for children as it allows them to explore objects and ideas, to have fun and in turn to learn from this exploration.
Timothy M, 2023/05/05 11:26
"Play is the work of the child". Play is as vital for children as sleep, healthy food and loving relationships - it helps with their brain development, musculoskeletal development, vestibular senses, and a range of other benefits.
Deana, 2023/04/19 11:07
Play is important because it allows children to explore their environment in a fun way and those around them. Play is a child's work!
Kathleen Herwig, 2023/04/17 15:10
Play helps children to learn various skills and encourages lots of conversation/interactions with peers and adults.
Val, 2023/04/13 14:46
Play is important as it stimulates the mind, provides experience and generates learning.
Hayley Martell, 2023/04/04 14:40
I think play is important because it encourages imagination, allows exploration and develop their social and physical/fine motor skills. It also allows for lots of talk and conversation.
Karen, 2023/03/20 15:05
I think play is important because it gives opportunities for learning and fosters important connections, in a relaxed and fun environment.
Jaala Beauchamp, 2023/03/20 10:48
Play is vital for learning and development for all ages, especially for children under five. Personally I think play is the only way we can learn an incredible variety of skills in one situation and have it not feel like a chore or forced learning.
Martine Creighton, 2023/03/08 13:50
Play makes learning fun. Play inspires a love of learning
Jodie, 2023/03/03 15:11
Play is a great way to learn, develop and interact with other children.
Chrissy Vass, 2023/03/01 12:21
Play is important as it allows children to learn with all their senses. It also helps with problem solving and understanding how things work. And most importantly play is fun and allows children to relax while learning.
Leonie, 2023/02/26 11:53
Agree with all that has been listed above.
Ashton Heirdsfield, 2023/02/23 11:41
Play is a key part in the creative process with early learners. It encourages both problem solving and that making mistakes is ok. This helps children as they grow and mature to both enjoy the diversity of the things around them plus later on in life help them to create healthy sustainable ideas in their home + communities + worldwide :)
Jacqui, 2023/02/18 19:35
Play is a great way for children to learn, connect to the world around them and develop skills for life.
Ryan, 2023/02/15 11:54
Play helps children develop motor, social and literacy skills by allowing them to experiment and interact with other children and adults.
Sarvanna, 2023/02/14 14:49
Play is important for children because they get to experiment by playing and learn by playing. Playing helps them in developing new and different skills and also interacting with other children.
Lisa D, 2023/02/14 14:14
Play is a way for kids to have fun while learning. Play helps them develop different skills and engage their developing brains.
Lisa, 2023/02/14 10:57
Young children especially learn from play. Both on the subject that they are learning about and also learning how to interact with other people.
Kate, 2023/02/02 10:33
Play is a way to engage children, and make learning fun
Sasha, 2023/02/01 11:29
It's a way for children to engage with and explore the environment around them. It gives them free space and a structureless way of learning by exploring their creativity, imagination and problem solving. They can also learn social skills by playing with others.
Angela, 2023/01/23 16:43
Children learn through play
Matthew, 2023/01/20 10:47
Play is the primary way in which younger children interact with the world. Everything they learn is taken in through play, in one form or another. When a child isn't necessarily old enough to understand the concept of learning for the sake of learning, many important building blocks can be imparted under the guise of play.
Lily, 2023/01/19 14:04
Play creates a more interactive learning experience for children. It allows them to touch, move, see, hear etc. to further develop their understanding of words and literacy.
Holly Goriss, 2023/01/18 13:05
Play is important for the development of visual, sound and motor skills that lead to the development of literacy skills
Tracy, 2023/01/16 11:55
Play is an innate and natural way of relating to the outside world. Our earliest memories of this interaction is entrenched in our personality. Enjoyment from play is crucial to a child's development; socially, mentally and intellectually. Play is always fun and is a child's most important way in developing their unique individuality, which carries on throughout their life's journey.
Sandie , 2023/01/16 06:09
Play is vital in using all of the senses, touch, feel, see to allow us to experiment, experience and understand our world. It allows for the different learning styles i.e. kinesthetic learners, audio etc.
Play teaches co-ordination, dexterity, ability to manipulate and it stimulate our brains development and memory through action.
Melissa, 2023/01/12 12:45
Play is the key to development of early literacy skills.
dekotah thompson, 2023/01/11 11:24
Play is an easy way for parents and carers to bond and interact with their children as well as give an opportunities for little ones to explore their world and develop their skills
Isabella , 2023/01/10 15:52
Play is a fun way to engage with children and families, to help them learn and explore new skills inside the library space
Lynette, 2023/01/10 13:45
Play is the foundation of learning.
Susan, 2022/12/28 14:49
Play allows children to experiment and practice different activities and situations. It's a fun way to learn and develop.
Karen Maguire, 2022/12/08 16:33
Enables little ones to explore at their own pace and enjoy interactions with other children and parents
Carolyn Johnson, 2022/12/08 12:30
Play is how little ones practice and learn how to navigate their world.
Laura Kronk, 2022/12/07 09:38
Play is a great way for children to learn in a fun and safe space
Mary Williams, 2022/12/03 14:07
Play is key to children’s learning, development, confidence, and well-being. Variety in play is important because it helps with all areas of children’s development. Play is more than just fun and games: It’s vital to a child’s learning and growth. Just as much as structured learning, play contributes to the cognitive, social, physical, and emotional well-being and growth of children.
Susan, 2022/12/02 11:48
It's more likely the child will learn and want to participate if they're relaxed. Play also allows for practicing and experimenting with what they are learning and what they have learned.
Laura, 2022/12/01 10:59
Play is fun and can help children (and adults too) relax and enjoy themselves.
Kristy Ward, 2022/11/30 14:16
Enables Children to learn different skills through a fun environment
Louisa, 2022/11/29 21:15
Children make sense of their world through play, and it also provides them with an engaging environment in which to apply foundational social, literacy and numeracy skills.
Tim, 2022/11/29 12:30
Play gives children the chance to learn practical skills in a social environment
Antonia, 2022/11/28 15:16
Play gives children to opportunity to learn, share and discover their world.
Alyssa, 2022/11/25 14:32
Play gives children the opportunity to learn and explore how they move, relationships between objects, between people, learn cause and effect, problem solve and invent.
Jaclyn, 2022/11/25 14:05
For children, play is a crucial, fun and safe space for learning and testing their growing knowledge of the world around them.
N/A, 2022/11/25 14:31
Play allows children the opportunity to develop their key motor and other gross skills as well as social skills in their own capacity.
Helen Chapman, 2022/11/28 15:34
I agree wholeheartedly!
Amy, 2022/11/25 09:02
Play is a crucial part of a child's development. It is how they investigate, explore and begin to understand their surroundings.
Emily G, 2022/11/23 13:52
Play is how children learn about the world around them. Play for young ones is about experimenting, socialising, risk taking, practicing, being curious, learning and enjoyment.
Corrin Creighton-Jay, 2022/11/23 11:40
Play enhances a child's imagination and helps children learn without knowing they are learning.
NA, 2022/11/23 09:30
Play enhances the social development in children.
Karen Hind, 2022/11/23 09:26
Play is an essential way for children to learn about the world, practicing skills in a safe environment and experimenting with new things. Playing with others allows them to practice their social skills such as turn taking and empathy. It's also a great way to relax and spend time learning about themselves.
Alexandra , 2022/11/20 14:17
Play allows children to experiment, investigate and problem solve. There are lots of opportunities for language development. Children also get to manipulate objects developing fine and gross motor skills.
Alexandra , 2022/11/20 14:16
Play allows children to experiment, investigate and problem solve. There are lots of opportunities for language development. Children also get to manipulate objects developing fine and gross motor skills.
Amra, 2022/11/19 14:34
Play helps build strong relationships. As children play together, they learn to get along with one another and play improves social and emotional well-being of children.
Amanda, 2022/11/15 11:00
Children learn so many things through play. Play allows children to experiment, investigate and problem solve. There are lots of opportunities for language development: describing what they see and what they are doing, rule-making, negotiating and forming narratives. Children also get to manipulate objects developing fine and gross motor skills. Sparks the imagination.
Faheema, 2022/11/14 12:18
Play is the way in which children make sense of this world, and how to find their way in it.
Jacqueline , 2022/11/14 09:14
Play is important as children gain life long learning skills and encourages children to explore and experiment within a safe environment.
Christina Leong, 2022/11/12 13:50
Children learn when they are having fun. And play is fun. Unless another child ruins their fun by stealing their toy. And then they fight over it. And then they learn important social skills like sharing. And then they have fun again and they all get to play. :)
Jodie Hart, 2022/11/09 14:30
Play is essential to development because it contributes to the physical, social, and emotional well-being of children
Julie Guteridge, 2022/11/07 14:50
Play is important to experience interacting with other children and adults. It is also an important building block for their imagination. Play is can be another form of communication for the children.
Leanne , 2022/11/03 12:02
Children learn best while they are playing! Playing encourages children to explore and learn how to interact with their peers and adults.
Toni, 2022/11/02 11:08
Play is how children learn. It's how they explore and learn about their world and the people and things in it.
Sue, 2022/10/27 16:01
Play is how children learn about themselves and the world around them.
Andrea Hurley, 2022/10/17 11:37
Play is how children holistically and organically learn. Children often verbalise during play increasing their oral language skills, socialise and interact with others, explore their world, develop physical and problem solving skills, emotionally children develop persistence, resilience and self esteem.
Sharynn Brigg, 2022/10/05 16:05
Play is important as children learn with all their senses. Carers get to sppend quality time with children when play is involved as both carer and child are relaxed
Paese, 2022/09/19 10:57
Encourage children and parents to enjoy spending time together, learn to communicate and improve fine motor skills
Sophie Piggott, 2022/09/13 10:54
Play is important in many ways, it encourages children to explore and expand their fine motor, communication, social and physical skills.
Paese, 2022/09/08 15:45
Play sparks a child's interests in colours, pictures and images and associate them with names and letters. Play also helps with motor skills and encourages social interactions with other children and adults.
Petrina, 2022/09/08 14:27
Play helps children learn, interact, develop fine motor skills and communicate.
Paese, 2022/09/08 09:25
Play sparks a child's interests in colours, pictures and images and associate them with names and letters. Play also helps with motor skills and encourages social interactions with other children and adults.
Kakolee , 2022/09/07 12:00
Play helps develop various skills like social and physical. Make them happy and helps their development.
Gerardine Laan Newell, 2022/09/06 14:47
Play invites the child to have original interaction with their peers
Jemima Eveans, 2022/08/25 15:41
Play improves the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and young people. Through play, children learn about the world and themselves.
Kristy, 2022/08/16 16:36
It enables little ones to enjoy and explore the world around them through fun in a safe environment and learn through their own pace and trial and error.
A test user, 2022/06/29 08:22
Android test comment
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ypf/first5forever/online_training_module4/discussion_q1.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/15 17:08 by Alan Duncan
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