QUT Workshop Report - 18 Aug
This workshop was facilitated by: Sarah Winter, Mick Byrne, Rozina Suliman
Name of any other State Library staff present: NA
Workshop Date: 2021-08-18
Workshop Location: The Edge, SLQ
How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? 0
Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission
List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration: #69, #22, #55, #6, #3, #24, #0, #13, #75, #42, #1, #21
What did you think was successful about the workshop?
- Students were keen to dive in and explore and create with the materials
What did you learn about the workshop?
- Students learnt about gravity, cardboard texturing, paper texturing, planning vs free play and experimenting with materials
Can you share any ideas for future implementation?
- If free creating more time for spirits is needed, we allocated an hour, but extended to an hour and 45mins, 2.5 hrs would be better
Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?
Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?
not from a participant but i was very entertained by myself [Mick] when i said that “pegs are a thing - only cavemen hold things with their fingers”
What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?
- The students all made wonderful things, however Hannah's free play sculpture was particularly striking, as were the simplicity of the diamantic inspired sculptures
Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?