Idea sharing - Performance indicators

How do you think First 5 Forever programs have benefited library performance indicators? Contribute your thoughts to the discussion forum below. Please feel free to comment on or reply to any other contributions.


Sovannie Pearson, 2024/10/15 15:37
Staff are able to further develop their skills and experiences as they support the parents/carers and children that attend these programs. Children start to associate the library as a safe space and will often continue to visit libraries throughout their lifetime as they take advantage of the resources libraries have to offer. This leads to lasting relationships between libraries and individuals in the community over long periods of time. Families will also share their positive experiences with others which increases foot traffic, use, and memberships
Sunny Wells, 2024/08/30 12:02
Increasing new members, including families visiting library spaces, encouraging further use of library services.
Jason Jia, 2024/01/30 13:39
By targeting families with young children, these programs likely contribute to increased library attendance, circulation of materials, and overall usage.
Marianna Shek, 2023/07/28 15:05
F5f program increases library membership, the number of people using the library and increase positive feedback about the role of libraries.
Xanthe, 2023/06/29 14:55
First 5 Forever builds a relationship between families and their local library that can last for a lifetime. Attending a session is a way many parents and carers discover upcoming events and programs, and learn more about what services are available for them to access for free at their library.
yvette marincowits, 2023/06/28 10:58
F5F program enables parents and caregivers to discover all the opportunities that libraries have to offer. Will increase more engagement and participation in all the other programs that libraries have to offer.
Sandra Higham, 2023/06/28 08:38
F5F helps both parents and children trust that the library is a safe and fun environment to learn in.
Errin, 2023/06/24 13:21
It encourages young families to join and attend libraries and engage with their community.
Amanda, 2023/06/15 11:57
Being an initial reason for new parents to attend and join the library, increasing program attendance, circulation, engagement, satisfaction.
Kirsty, 2023/06/15 11:05
I imagine the First 5 Forever programs have improved Library Performance Indicators as parents and families who may not have frequented libraries prior to attending First 5 Forever programs will discover other benefits and activities libraries can have offer for their entire family.
suzy, 2023/05/23 13:31
By bring families into the library space they can discover all the other library benefits.
David M, 2023/05/22 16:36
In a shared space that feels beneficial, parents are likely to become library members and encourage their family and friends to join as well so the First 5 program is an initial step and very important step for families
A Mason, 2023/05/15 15:39
First Five Forever is a great introduction to Libraries. Parents soon learn about all the resources available to them either in person or online.
Ashlynn, 2023/05/11 13:58
It increases memberships and engagement with families, hopefully facilitating a lifelong library membership for all members of the family through positive experiences.
Katherine Nieminen, 2023/05/01 14:23
It increases our membership, encouraging children from a young that is it a safe and fun place to learn and connects people to there community.
Angie Abella, 2023/04/27 15:02
First Five Forever connects to families in the communities with the aim of helping them.
Timothy M, 2023/04/22 09:41
First 5 Forever programs would benefit libraries by encouraging library attendance by individuals who may have previously never visited a library. Also it encourages members from an early age by reinforcing that libraries are a fun place to attend.
Luke, 2023/04/18 13:19
F5F increases membership, increased visits and to connect from a young age.
Deana, 2023/04/18 11:20
First Five Forever programs increase community connection especially for new mums who can be become isolated in their first few years. As aids in exploring all the other amazing resources the library has to offer, new membership and promote the library to family and friends.
Byron Davies, 2023/04/13 14:59
Encourages families to join up and word of mouth is another great way of letting people in the community know about free programs. Therefore, it benefits us by getting more people through our libraries.
Alison, 2023/04/12 15:58
Increases membership because when parents bring kids in to take part in programs, they then borrow books for them, so sign them up for membership, then are alerted to the many resources and opportunities membership gives, so they might sign up themselves, or other members of the family.
Lynn, 2023/03/28 15:55
Encourages young families to the library where they can use the FSF program
Brooke, 2023/03/28 15:46
Many parents recognise the benefit of early literacy for children, and as these programs are free, public libraries get an influx of parents wanting to do the best possible thing for their children.
Amy, 2023/03/21 17:30
F5F is often the reason adults visit a library for the first time since they were at school or for some the first time ever. Once they visit the library for the sake of their child to attend F5F programs, they often find out what a great resource libraries are and how much they now offer beyond what used to be "traditional libraries". It is a great way to build membership and encourage families to be regular visitors to the library and other events.
Lilly , 2023/03/27 20:23
Brings more people into the libraries. Increases collection use and helps with word of mouth advertising of our services and resources.
Rae, 2023/02/27 15:59
F5F programs encourage families to come to the library, and once they're in the library, they often read and borrow books. The building of relationships with those children and families also means that they will often continue coming to the library once they've outgrown F5F.
Jennifer Cox, 2023/02/20 15:07
Through fostering foundational skill literacy and bring community together in a space that can engage families in literature membership, a lifelong love of literacy and libraries as vibrant and connective spaces is established. Relationship trust is built and libraries can evolve as community needs change.
Hyunkyung, 2023/02/16 16:34
The First 5 Forever programs can bring families together and can enhance the community engagement and boost the library usage.
Lisa D, 2023/02/07 11:32
F5F bring families and new members of the community into the library. These community members are then aware of all the valuable resources the library offers and the free and welcoming space they can be a part of. It provides a safe space for them and their children to come to, and shows children that libraries are a fun place to come and learn.
Hyunjung Kim, 2023/02/01 15:07
It brings people to library to use F5F program which it connects to using other services and facilities in library.
Lisa B, 2023/01/31 16:47
Encourages new families to engage with libraries. This connects them not only to the information & resources there, but also potentially connecting them to others in the community where they could find support.
Lily, 2023/01/19 11:40
It would be helpful in attracting families into the library, and encouraging them to utilise the other library resources and programs.
Allison , 2022/12/23 14:29
Increase of use of the library space, increased membership and community engagement from various cohorts. Linking in other family members from children that are attending and expanding the reach of the library across catchment areas
Kate, 2022/12/01 09:34
Increased rates of community engagement, changes to outdated public perceptions of libraries, greater membership and loan statistics, hopefully also creating life-long library users in the children involved in the programs.
Jeremy Thomas, 2022/11/01 14:05
It brings in more people. Gets children involved. More memberships. Community engagement.
Jacinta , 2022/10/26 15:10
F5F programs bring in more people, an increase of membership, a means of socialising for parents/care givers with other parents/care givers, helping babies and toddlers develop social skills, developing a support network to a new mum with no family in town, and developing friendships. This helps with a library's stats on borrowing, program participation etc., continuing the public service model to improve local, state and national objectives as well.
Rhi Bartos, 2022/10/26 09:56
Increases new membership rates, increases loan rates, increases junior and youth member rates
Jessica Seeley, 2022/10/24 10:02
First Five Forever increases the foot traffic in the library and having children come from birth creates a positive reaction to libraries as well as exposing both children and parents to the other opportunities available at local libraries
Jessica Dakin-Masters, 2022/10/21 13:11
First 5 Forever encourages young families into our libraries at early ages providing members for life.
leisa-Marie , 2022/10/19 15:44
Libraries benefit from the F5F program through increased membership and awareness - memberships, programs, resources and engaging communities
Kim, 2022/10/19 10:55
It attracts more families to the library as well as fostering a love of reading early on in children, bringing them back to the library as they grow up.
Lisa Madden, 2022/10/18 16:12
First Five Forever will increase the amount of foot traffic into our local libraries, increase library membership and community engagement.
Julie S, 2022/10/18 10:14
When 'we' the collective PLS and SL with RLQ & IKC's succeed represented in 'our' indicators the community too succeeds with increased literacy capacity of our next generations
Eleanor Butler, 2022/10/13 09:55
The first five forever program helps libraries by increasing the foot traffic through the door which in turn increases the number of memberships. Hopefully this then increases the amount of items borrowed.
Kate Fletcher, 2022/08/31 22:20
First Five Forever programs would have benefited library performance indicators through an increase in library membership, borrowing and attendance door count statistics. It would have also benefited libraries through creating positive library experiences and associations in the community. Also it would have helped towards creating lifelong connections and relationships between libraries and children and their families.
Huong , 2022/08/29 11:45
Increase : memberships, borrowing, using library facility
Maura, 2022/08/18 14:50
It will bring more people to visit their local library. It is a good way to connect on a more personal and dedicated level, fostering community engagement while promoting the library's services and resources.
Laura Crichton, 2022/08/03 11:09
F5F programs bring in more people, an increase of membership, a means of socialising for parents/care givers with other parents/care givers, helping babies and toddlers develop social skills, developing a support network to a new mum with no family in town, and developing friendships. All of this helps with a library's stats on borrowing, program participation etc.
Amanda, 2022/08/02 12:20
Increased door count and event attendance, fostering relationships, tool for increased outreach which leads to awareness of the library and increased memberships.
Ingrid , 2022/07/28 11:10
F5F is a means of facilitating increased library memberships & use of library facilities and resources; creating positive connections between families and libraries; and hopefully instilling in children what will become a lifelong connection and affiliation with libraries.
Karen, 2022/07/27 08:17
F5F increases membership, increased visits and the opportunity to connect with families from a young age, hopefully inspiring these families to continue to visit throughout their lives.
Oliver Cook, 2022/07/26 15:12
F5F increases memberships and community-engagement. It also encourages families and members to continue returning to the library.
Vivienne, 2022/07/25 11:33
F5F has the ability to increase membership and engagement with families, children and the community. It also assists library staff with the development of new skills.
Brodie, 2022/07/20 09:17
Libraries benefit from the F5F program through increased membership and awareness of services and participation. The program enables libraries to become the perfect place for emergent literacy development.
Georgia, 2022/07/19 14:05
F5F has increased library stats for memberships, borrowing, etc. and has served as another pathway of promotion to young families in the local area - it has positively affected quality of life and provided a happier, healthier and smarter environment and also eliminated old stereotypes related to libraries.
Kristy, 2022/07/19 11:40
Increased membership, use of resources and programs, engagement, busy-ness, promotion through word of mouth -- all leading to increased funding and staffing and opportunities. Smarter and more engaged community.
Trish Weston, 2022/07/16 11:16
Increased engagement across the lifespan
Sandie, 2022/07/13 10:14
F5F has a positive affect on performance indicators as Council and Libraries missions are to increase livability, promote lifelong learning, promote information to create a thriving culture, economy, and environment for the free flow of information and ideas.
Will, 2022/07/07 13:56
Increased membership, shifting demographic to young families in libraries, shift in reasons to go to the library - to play, sing and make noise.
Susan Willoughby, 2022/06/29 16:25
It creates an ongoing relationship with the library, parents and children; as well as demonstrating the resources and value the library provides.
Val Mesh, 2022/06/24 10:54
The program attracts more people into the library and encourages greater use of its resources. The positive intention of the program also generates greater goodwill to the libraries.
Isaac Frith, 2022/06/22 16:48
Creates awareness of resources- generating interest and traffic by allowing for direct engagement with the community
Paese, 2022/06/16 16:33
Increase awareness of all resources (physical books, e-books, e/magazines, videos, audio books etc) that are available on loan for free. This leads to increase in customer presence.
Layla, 2022/06/09 16:20
The F5F has introduced many more families to the library, including parents and children, who will continue to use the library services for years after attending these sessions.
Dani, 2022/06/06 15:46
Increase in attendance, engagement and memberships.
Increase in borrowing.
Increase in community connection.
Increase in referrals.
Sharon Barbagallo, 2022/06/06 15:39
Many families with young children go to their local library specifically for the children's early learning programs and encourage their friends to attend as well. This brings additional families to the library and many families realise how many resources libraries have which increases library loans and attendances.
Laura, 2022/06/06 12:13
F5F has the ability to increase membership and engagement with families, children and the community. It also enhances the skills of our library officers.
Emilly Mackie, 2022/05/27 12:28
The F5F programs increase the amount of people using the library which can increase memberships, items being borrowed and introduces a new group of people to what the library can offer.
Talisa Jones, 2022/05/27 12:02
It has the potential of growing our library visitations, resulting in building a new lifelong community to libraries.
A Emanuelli, 2022/05/09 20:35
Increased memberships and visitations by parents and children to interact with stories and playtime. Also increased opportunity for social interaction with other parents and children
Chrissy Vass, 2022/05/11 12:07
It has increased our memberships and funding. Helped build the benefits of libraries to the public. Helped the staff with training and understanding of the benefits of F5F to on deliver to the patrons.
Brodie, 2022/04/29 10:53
Increased memberships and interest in the library. It also reminds the community that libraries are there for them to use
Aerie, 2022/04/26 15:05
Increase in memberships,, as parents and children can be encouraged to join, and increased door counts. Both these statistics will keep library funding coming in, and keep the community serviced.
Sabina Ryan, 2022/03/25 18:04
It has increased memberships, programs, community engagements and that libraries are a place of fun and interaction
Sally Berry, 2022/02/16 12:51
Increased membership, shifting demographic to young families in libraries, shift in reasons to go to the library - to play, sing and make noise.
Karen, 2022/02/01 11:10
Increased library patronage and memberships and educating children/families that libraries are a safe, fun place to visit
catherine mims, 2022/01/27 14:13
i imagine that the enjoyable and inclusive nature of the F5F program would have encouraged more families to join &/or become more active members of their local libraries
Miraim fejo, 2022/04/04 10:27
I agree with this statement.
Sharon Lee, 2021/12/20 15:47
They introduce more people to the library and the resources available through the library. They promote reading and children's stories which leads to increased membership and increased borrowing.
Stormy, 2021/11/25 14:54
Increased library membership, library usage and borrowing statistics; support life-long learning for children, positive connotations for libraries; increased community, referral for support systems/resources; cross-promotion for library programming.
Michelle Brown, 2021/11/25 13:13
F5F programs have helped public libraries increase their membership and collection as families are always interested in free children's programs.
Stephen Smedley, 2021/11/22 15:14
I would imagine that this program has had a positive impact in all KPIs across the board as it is a free resource that the public can use regardless of means.
Miranda Collins, 2021/11/15 18:37
I expect a positive impact from the F5F programs on the key performance indicators. These programs are aimed towards all young children, are free and also provide support for parents in encouraging their children's early literacy skills. This would also encourage use of other library resources.
Allan Imhoff, 2021/11/10 16:35
Ongoing and increased presence in the library. Parents can see the library is a place of lifelong learning form 0-99.
Introducing children in a fun way to love reading means they are more likely to use libraries in the future
Leith, 2021/11/11 22:57
I expect the F5F programs would have had a positive impact on the library key performance indicators. The programs are free and provide support for parents as they encourage the development of those early language & communication skills through the interactions with their children. This would encourage parents to use the services provided by their local libraries.
Christina Leong, 2021/11/08 12:58
What F5F means for libraries is more members, increased borrowing and usage of the facilities, improved attitudes towards literacy, a stronger sense of community and engagement with the community, and libraries as a place that facilitates life long learning.
Flordeliza, 2021/11/07 15:12
F5F programs in Libraries are a great way to introduce and encourage families in joining their own local libraries. It is also an opportunity to show our community about the various activities we have to offer them in the library that is free, welcoming and inclusive.
Cassandra, 2021/11/04 11:35
F5F programs help encourage families and caregivers to the library, which in turn increases foot traffic, increased stats and borrowing, and spreads knowledge through these patrons about what the library has to offer.
Leia Kim, 2021/11/04 10:34
F5F programs bring families into the libraries. Once they attend, there is greater opportunity for parents to join themselves and their children as members of the library, loan books throughout the different stages of the children's life, and learn about different programs that are offered. This is all linked to statistics as well as continued funding for these programs to continue.
Rebecca Walker, 2021/11/02 12:06
F5F programs increase memberships and library use. Also provides the opportunity to promote the valuable services and resources library's offer.
Siobhan Moynes, 2021/10/29 16:44
F5F is a wonderful introduction to early literacy that increases family visiting to become active members. It improves local community Libraries to increase programs that can be government funded and become life long members.
Tarren, 2021/10/06 12:00
First 5 Forever could increase family attendance at the library, staff engagement with familes and encouraged return visitors.
Amanda Searle, 2021/10/06 09:34
F5f programs greatly increases families visiting the library. They become members, borrow items, use the space and positively promote our libraries by 'word of mouth'.
Deirdre Whiteley, 2021/10/04 12:42
F5f programs greatly increases families visiting the library. They become members, borrow items, use the space and positively promote our libraries by 'word of mouth'. F5f programs through outreach enhances this even more. F5f programs are helping improve the status of libraries and bringing them into our modern world.
GERARDINE LAAN NEWELL, 2021/10/02 16:05
Staff can observe a real flow on effect that encouraging young families into the library hub brings. Statistics improve in the local community libraries thus improving the chance of more funding
Thomas Gath, 2021/09/30 15:49
F5F is a great introduction to the public library system for any young children, and also a good way for information about library resources and programs to be spread via word of mouth. All in all, a great support system for future generations via an already available public service, and a great way to increase attendance to local libraries as well.
Corrin Miles , 2021/09/30 09:07
First 5 Forever not only brings families into the library they also become active members.
Robert Morgan, 2021/09/29 15:30
Rather simply, F5F programs benefit libraries by encouraging families to, not just visit their local library, but to become actively engaged with the libraries, and hopefully become regular visitors and customers - even when their children grow older than 5 years of age.
Sharon Brazier, 2021/09/29 11:04
F5F offers and opportunity for parents and care-givers to interact with others in their community, access a wide range of free resources and most importantly, promote life long learning.
Christine Tydd, 2021/09/28 16:37
It introduces children to libraries from a young age so they will continue to access the library at a later date
Mariecel, 2021/09/28 15:21
First 5 Forever encourage the parents, carers or community engage the libraries.
Peggy, 2021/09/27 16:46
F5F is a great way to get children and their parents involved with Libraries from a young age. Once they are aware of all the great resources available and the kids are involved and having fun, they are more likely to keep coming back.
Krystal Muller, 2021/09/21 16:26
First 5 Forever gives parents the opportunity to see how important early literacy is for their young one and this encourages them to bring their children in to the library to borrow books and find more resources for themselves and their children.
Victoria Edwards, 2021/09/21 14:51
I think it's the F5F program is a gateway where, once young families are reintroduced to the library they will be more likely to come not only for the amazing resources for their children but also for their own benefit.
Lisa Paterson, 2021/09/17 14:19
F5F has encouraged parents to bring in to the library children and babies, knowing that they won't be judged for any noisy or robust behaviour - but rather that they are encouraged to make the library a familiar and desirable destination for family activity.
Bronnie, 2021/09/09 11:40
F5F promotes literacy within the community, and encourages families to come into the library to visit. Once within the library, these families then have access to a large range of items and services
Ruth Ashburner-Gorse, 2021/09/09 13:53
F5F encourages customers to come in that perhaps otherwise wouldn't. Once inside the library they realize what a huge amount of resources are available in the modern age and all of them are for free ! It's a win/win situation and a fun environment to be in.
Nicky Wheeler, 2021/09/03 11:59
F5f encourages the community to visit and become engaged with their local library and introduce their kids to the library.
Antonia Mobbs, 2021/09/02 15:59
First 5 Forever helps families to engage with libraries. It encourages community & library membership from an early age. Holding the program increases borrowing and memberships for the library which makes the library able to offer more services for the community.
Gerry, 2021/08/04 16:07
The F5F promotes reading, it also increases visitor statistics. The benefit is that hopefully these F5F clients will become library users for life. This will engage and promote lifelong learning.
Tracy, 2021/07/26 12:35
F5F increases our patronage, which can increase our borrowing and encourages more family engagement with the library. This can then provide more programs to the community.
Kristy, 2021/06/23 11:41
First 5 Forever helps families to engage with libraries. It encourages library membership from an early age. It also encourages use of library facilities and lifelong learning as a regular part of life and family activities. It is a fabulous way to support the community.
Maggie, 2021/06/22 23:37
First 5 Forever programs benefit libraries because it gets people in the door, providing a safe space for parents and caregivers to nurture their child’s life-long love of learning. Promoting awareness of the many services libraries carry out provides an opportunity to increase membership, to increase borrowing and ultimately to support the community.
andrea, 2021/06/21 15:23
increased membership, using the resources and a lifelong relationship with the library and love of learning.
Kirsty Wilson, 2021/06/18 11:55
F5F in libraries has not only increased visitor numbers on a statistical level but it has also reiterated the message that libraries are invested in successful growth of our communities and their language and literacy development.
Alyssa, 2021/06/17 13:49
It could increase foot traffic from parents and carer givers, but also introduce the 0-5s as life long borrowers, or even introduce them into the reading programs that the library offers, for which they can register.
Xue Guan, 2021/06/16 16:32
It is vital for libraries to have more family visits and it builds up good relationships with all the children, parents and carers.
Samantha, 2021/06/15 15:41
Increased engagement with the collection, new memberships for children and families, increased participation in programming (baby, toddler, story times) and outreach (F5F in community, park).
Bonnie, 2021/06/14 16:32
They provide a significant opportunity for measurable outcomes around learning and community engagement
Trina, 2021/06/14 11:13
Libraries benefit through increased patrons visiting the library and using the resources. There is also a flow on effect where word of mouth from visiting caregivers brings more people into the library. This gives opportunities to learn about other programs and services that the library offers. IF helps to establish the library as a exciting and community orientated space.
Alison, 2021/06/11 16:35
Increase library memberships, and capture our newest members from an early age!
Faheema, 2021/06/11 12:31
As mentioned above, an increase in library membership from an early age, more 'traffic' in and oout of libraries, connecting communities with services, increased awareness in other programs around localities, improved outcomes in reading and learning, developing library collections to meet community needs, etc.
Sue, 2021/06/10 16:19
First 5 Forever programs increase library patronage and membership.
Brooke Evans, 2021/06/10 16:16
First Five Forever programs increase the number of customers visiting the library, they might also promote membership for young borrowers and increase the amount of items issued. By bringing children into the library for F5F programs, parents and caregivers can also see what other resources libraries have to offer both for them and their children.
Jeanette O'Shea, 2021/06/08 11:48
F5F programs bring more families into the libraries, where they may discover other collections and programs which they might not have been aware of.
Sue Shaw, 2021/06/05 10:39
I agree with all the comments
Adam, 2021/06/04 13:50
F5F programs are a great opportunity to not only increase the amount of traffic through a given location, but also to spread the idea of libraries as a living and vibrant community space.
Kellie, 2021/05/19 15:44
Through increasing the awareness of libraries within the community and the variety of services on offer by libraries. It also cements libraries as being a core community service point within ones local area.
Lisa, 2021/05/14 10:36
More people coming to activities as word spreads, and when they come to one activity they find out about other activities of interest which increases library statistics.
Brylie, 2021/05/10 14:26
The more parents and carers attending the F5F classes naturally increases the amount of traffic through a library each day. This may also add to an increase in issuing and using other library facilities. The more people in the library, the higher the need for quality staff and quality community programming.
Heather Martin, 2021/04/27 15:25
I believe the F5F program benefits libraries through friendship, allocation, resources and statistics.
Sasha Pcino, 2021/04/23 14:46
I believe F5F programs have benefited library performance indicators in that there has been an increase in foot traffic and thus use of resources and loans.
Sharynn Brigg, 2021/04/21 16:20
Children will become life long members of libraries. Carers who would not usually attend a library are usually amazed at the modern library. Toys, books for all, e-resources and noise. Therefore you are increasing the community use of the library.
Sheree Ryan, 2021/04/21 11:16
A great connection with children, supplying a safe environment, builds usage of all library facilities and starts their learning progress
Lyn, 2021/04/15 14:43
Children become familiar from an early age with books, they become familiar with staff (if visiting the same library), over the years they become comfortable having a conversation with staff. A library card teaches children responsibility. With parents invested in their child's learning the library becomes a place to visit weekly.
Zoe, 2021/04/15 13:32
Community engagement, borrower stats, word-of-mouth (encourage new patrons to visit - through parents, kids, etc), family involvement - kids will be familiar and engaged with their library/s)
Sabina Ryan, 2021/04/09 19:13
First 5 Forever programs have encouraged our families to spread the word throughout community members to not only gains the attentions for F5F programs but the usage of Libraries as well.
Georgia, 2021/04/01 14:29
Gives parents and families the opportunity to connect with the community and the library and find resources that they may have not known about.
Briar Faulkner, 2021/04/01 09:45
The gives parents the incidence and encourages them to help and teach their children the skills and knowledge they need in the first steps of childhood before school.
Nerissa Cox, 2021/03/31 15:00
Encourage people to visit libraries and for them to be able to understand the many programs and resources libraries have to offer to the community. It provides a safe space for families to visit, get to know the staff and engage children and their families to want to visit again in the future.
Anna Varga, 2021/03/31 11:43
It encourages people to visit the library spaces and use the resources available as well as borrow from the library collection.
Narelle Holley, 2021/03/31 10:53
Encourages people through the doors, families discover there are more resources in libraries than just books, and it also encourages the life long love of reading and libraries; these families will hopefully continue to use library resources well in to their futures and hopefully even bring their own families in later on in life.
Georgia Reeves, 2021/03/30 11:57
Families that have attended F5F programs share the positive experiences to others in the community, which encourages people to come in an join the library which is when they realise the libraries have evolved and not what they use to be.
Debra Grevett, 2021/03/30 10:27
Community groups have shared what resources are available at libraries in non library environments.
Phoebe Radford, 2021/03/30 09:55
Changing community perceptions of what libraries are about (ie not just a place to borrow and return books), encouraging engagement and people to come in and join the library. Discovering all that the library has to offer and building connections with library staff to be part of the community.
Kimberly Head, 2021/03/19 05:28
The F5F Program provides an enormous value to libraries, as it increases our visitor numbers. Once in the door, the parents, their friends and family members discover all of the wonderful resources and programs that are provided for their life long learning, as they model this our children.
Adele Clifford, 2021/03/18 14:18
Making a connection with a library for a child will develop a life long relationship. The love of books will be installed in the child and they will continue this into adulthood.
Sarah Butler, 2021/03/18 11:56
The F5F program invites and encourages people who possibly may not have visited the library prior to attending a F5F session to gain knowledge and utilise/access resources of interest and available to them to support them in their stage of life. This increases membership numbers, borrowing of items and more information being conveyed to the community about other programs available. It also promotes positive feedback to not only us but to the wider community about the great programs being offered in our regional libraries.
Michelle Marcum, 2021/03/17 15:42
It promotes the library's programs and resources, increases foot traffic and increases membership.
Helen Window, 2021/03/17 12:09
it promotes community involvement and keeps the library relevent in the community.
Olesya, 2021/03/17 08:55
F5F programs can have a positive impact on library performance indicators in areas of: increased visitation to programs, which has a flow on effect to other library service areas, which could increase funding and therefore job opportunities within libraries; increased meaningful and enriched engagement opportunities with the community, which in turn has the ability to shape the future of libraries solidifying the valuable position of libraries in the community.
Andrea Foley, 2021/03/12 16:02
First 5 Forever programs have benefited library performance indicators through increased attendance at programs, higher membership numbers, increased use of library resources and increased school readiness.
Michaela, 2021/03/11 13:11
F5F Programs have increased member ships within libraries. Patrons can see that libraries are not just for borrowing books but also everything else libraries have to offer like our digital apps and accounts. It brings in a better community feel and a 'this isnt what i expected' reaction.
Cienna Weldon, 2021/03/11 10:20
In a world where technology is ever increasing, F5F has reminded families of the importance of libraries and books. It has brought new faces to libraries, increased borrowing stats and book circulation amongst libraries. Most importantly it has engrained the importance of libraries and books into children from a young age which will hopefully continue on as they grow, and to which they can pass on to future generations for years to come.
Linda, 2021/03/04 16:50
F5F have increased library attendance, allowed new families in town to learn about the services we provide, improved stats and shown parents, families and caregivers all the resources that the library has at its disposal to help with their children's development
Angela, 2021/03/02 13:57
F5F programs will bring more families into the library increasing memberships and borrowing statistics. These programs will hopefully encourage families to continue to access libraries and their resources even after their children have outgrown them and started school.
Fiona Campbell, 2021/03/01 15:56
First Five forever has benefited Libraries due to introducing new families to the Library space and increased our borrowing and memberships. Through word of mouth and social media these positive interactions can improve performance indicators Through positive interactions with these new and young members and their families this can improve Libraries into the next generation.
Isabella, 2021/03/01 11:54
Increases family engagement within the library to know they have free access to resources in the collection and promotes the library to gain more members across the libraries to attend these events.
Maree Taylor, 2021/02/24 13:46
F5F provides a service to the families within our community and conversely this promotes lifelong learning.
Melinda, 2021/02/24 12:12
The programs bring more people into the library and our services are in higher demand.
Alice, 2021/02/23 16:54
F5F brings new families into the library, who then gain a new awareness of the fantastic services and resources libraries have to offer. These positive interactions and experiences means libraries will see an increase in visits, memberships and items borrowed, as well as an increase in attendance across all library programs.
Jess Britland, 2021/02/23 11:21
Increases borrower registration and event stats, more community awareness through word of mouth, higher loan rate. Younger members means more adults to join also and possible adult even stats increase
Amy, 2021/02/23 11:20
F5F programs have increased library visitation, borrowing and membership. It has also helped promote libraries as a community hub and place to access resources.
Cathy , 2021/02/22 15:08
You get the increase in numbers through the doors. You will also make life long patrons of those little ones who have such a positive experience at the library.
Jacqui, 2021/02/19 14:41
Everyone benefits - Libraries get to share their passion with new clients and old, the attend sessions, borrow from the collection, stop for a chat, and the library staff get to see the children grow up, we are nervous with them on there first day of kindy/school, we love it when the drop back in to tell us how it went. From First 5 Forever we are embedding a love of learning and that is creating generations of families to visit our libraries.
Abbey McNamara, 2021/02/18 13:05
F5F benefits libraries by increasing membership, participation, loans and by promoting library services thought the local and wider community.
Carolyn Beattie, 2021/02/18 12:52
FFF introduces the benefits of libraries to children at an early turn it increases parental knowledge of libraries which can translate into increased loans and participation in other library programs.
Danielle Whatmore, 2021/02/18 11:57
First5Forever means more people will come through the library and possibly become a member. Gives libraries unique opportunities to promote their resources. Shows families what a fun, safe place libraries can be and encourage them to come back outside of the program.
Julie Guteridge, 2021/02/17 14:33
Our library was pretty quiet when F5F program was starting out years ago. Now we see increased attendance, not only during the program but at other times as well. We are also seeing some of those beginning bubs as they have grown, still visiting the library and borrowing books. They know that we are a safe and fun place to be.
Carly Thomson, 2021/02/16 13:44
F5F would get attendance and loan stats higher.
It would also give the libraries the opportunities to promote other activities that they hold therefore increasing numbers in other areas.
Katie Dowd, 2021/02/10 14:16
F5F programs bring into the libraries new families. This increases foot traffic, membership stats and borrowing stats.
Shanda Hare, 2021/02/09 10:35
F5f has renewed public interest in libraries. Patrons now see we offer so much more than books. With an increase of memberships, patronage increases and borrowing not just in the library but online also. F5f programs are creating new life long library members through our children who have developed a love of libraries through the progamming.
Kim Doyle , 2021/02/07 16:14
The F5F programs bring new mums/dads/grandparents into the library, this increases awareness of the library facilities and resources and increases borrowing, both in library and online. e.g. Promoting story box to parents.
Pam, 2021/02/04 14:21
Increasing stats : I think having a state-wide plan helps us be more intentional & organised, which makes better programmes, which should increase attendance, loans, etc.
Better reporting : helps us to better articulate to our council's what we do and why it's important; helps us justify further investment and also inclusion of more qualitative data into reports.
Suzanne Green, 2021/02/03 16:00
Families may initially come to the library to attend the F5F program, but while they are there they will become familiar with all the other activities and resources libraries provide.
Chris Pulford, 2021/02/03 11:15
Foot traffic increase and loans increase. Ideas from the parents as what programs they would like to see runs at the library. The resources are free and early learning helps brain develomment
Karen, 2021/02/03 11:13
Friendships forming, Socialising, Increased lending
Leanne , 2021/02/02 12:20
Providing the First 5 Forever program has brought families into the library, this has highlighted the importance of early literacy for their children.
Sandra, 2021/01/27 16:15
Making the connection between programming and why its important highlights to parents the importance of such simple activities as attending a storytime session
Gina Lewis, 2021/01/27 15:19
A parent may bring their child in for the program but they then find out what other things that the library has to offer. For many parents it offers them a chance to get out of the house and interactive with not only the staff running the programs, but with other parents who hove children of similar ages. This Is especially important for someone who is a new parent or new to a area as it allows them to make connections and have the opportunity to learn more about the community and what happens there.
Estela, 2021/01/21 11:53
Families that attend F5F programs share their positive experiences with others, motivating more people to visit libraries and educating everyone about all the resources libraries offer that may not be so well known. This brings with it new memberships, more borrowing and use of digital resources, fresh ideas with feedback from patrons to develop new programs, and an increase in stats overall.
Renee, 2021/01/08 14:22
People attending programs, increased loan stats, encouraging life-long learning.
Eliana, 2021/06/08 14:21
F5F brings more programs to the library which then will bring more people to attend these programs. Also it is a great way to facilitate with the "new people" into the library environment as the F5F brings a new vibrant way of delivering their programs.
Fiona Thackray, 2020/12/23 10:59
F5F programs - increase foot traffic into Library spaces, increase membership and borrowing stats and also through word of mouth spread the 'joy' of Libraries and what and how they can support families.
Sue Shaw, 2021/06/05 10:37
I agree
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ypf/first5forever/online_training/discussion_q5.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/07 14:24 by Alan Duncan
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