Maker Camp - Day 1 Tuesday

Welcome, Intro to making and prototyping Laser Induction

Session Times Session desciption What we are gunna talk about
1000 - 1030 Welcome / General induction -Welcome & Tour of the Fabrication Lab
-General Safety Induction
1030 - 1100 Ideas - What's you favourite Invention, What thing do you wish you'd invented
- whos your favourite maker, inventor.
-What makes a successful idea
Ideas are like…Seeds, Stars, Virus, beards, rabbits, Cars, a$$holes
1100-1200 Morning tea & Why Making - Why do you (wanna) make? Why do other people make? What motivates you to make? Why would you like to make?
1200-1230 TShirt Making & How Making In this session we'll make ourselves a camp shirt. Someone can make a design, and we'll vectorise it. We'll cut it on the laser and print shirts. While we are doing this we'll chat about What we are going to do over the next 4 days and we'll discuss
- Whats design thinking? Whats a design brief?
- what happens between a design brief and great project outcome?
- what makes a great maker. Here's my list
=actually making something, anything
=even finishing something
=a solution that at least partically fulfills the brief,
=an novel solution,
=an elegant or efficient solution,
=new learnings to be shared

What do you think?
1230-1300 make x out of y Sometimes the hardest thing is getting started. And working in a team sometimes its even harder to decide… So in this session we are going to participate in a structured activity -Watch the video
- Make an X list
- Make a y list &
- each pick a design brief from the hat.
1300-1330 Drawing Communicating you ideas and solutions to problems is important. Drawing is an important skill that people either take for granted or say they cant do. but its like any other skill. knowing the conventions and practice can get you a long way

- First is learning the tools
=tool… hardware - pencil / pens. Rulers, curves
=tools… software - different types of line work and curves
- next is learning the grammar of visual communication
-Orthographic Projection
= axis lines, projection lines, dimensions, lables
-Isometric view
-Sectional View
1330-1400 Prototyping Trying an idea. before you go too far, potentially wasting time and materials its great to make a prototype. Just like “ideas” there's lots of received wisdom around protyping - Fail Fast and often is one of these. In this session like the last we are going to learn some tricks for prototyping in cardboard.
1400-1430 Afternoon Snack We jumped a step- Research what have other people made? maybe someone has already solved your problem? To research it you need to know what people call it.
1430-1500 CAD 2D We have machines that help make stuff. but you need to tell it what to cut or add. lets learn the basics of CAD for 2D
1500-1530 Laser Induction Theory
1530-1600 Laser Induction Practice and Quiz
1600-1630 Arvo Debrief How have we gone today?
What was the pace Like?
did you like the food?
What was fun?
What wasn't fun?
How are you gunna prepare for tomorrow?
1630-1700 Laser Induction Laser catchup and or Laser Play
1700 Go Home Possibly with some structured homework (structured homework is better than unstructured over-investment in wrong direction)