Table of Contents

Laser cut covers, hand sewn spines - Participant resource page


Software we've used

In the workshop we have used Adobe Illustrator. You can download a free 7 day trial here: or you can use the DML at the Edge to access the software free at any time.

Other options:

Download Inkscape online for free

checkout the more detailed info about Inkscape on this wiki (including a detailed tutorial) Inkscape for beginners

Download Gimp online for free

Create 5x Text Prompt to Image conversions a day for free with night cafe studio

Hand sewing spines

Inspiration & Sources of royalty free artwork

//Stencil Catalogue for the use of practical men//

Excelsior Fresco Stencils

250 Stencil Designs From India

Our colleague Billie Ruben's book covers pintrest board

The Public Domain Review The Public Domain Review is dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history of art, literature, and ideas – focusing on works now fallen into the public domain, the vast commons of out-of-copyright material that everyone is free to enjoy, share, and build upon without restrictions.

Colour Pallet


Where we bought stuff

book cloth & other supplies


Where we learnt stuff


 Cover Template{{}}

a diagram showing how it all fits together

Documentation from the previous workshop

And here's the link to Billie's workshop from last year.