Table of Contents

Fabrication Lab Sign IN System

IPAD System

Laptop System

As of 2017, we've moved to having two upcycled laptops available for login at all times. For more details on the basic set-up see here. The only addition to the basic set-up is a script that launches chrome called startup_chrome.command in the edgeuser home directory.

  /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --kiosk

RFID System

HtE has developed the sign-on system to the point where it is a self-contained system running on the a Raspberry pi. The pi reads the cards, checks against a local database and logs users in. Users can also manually log in.

We discussed his current implementation and the the security implications (late 2016), and came up with an approach that we think would meet the need for SLQ ICTS data security. HtE is confident that he can modify the existing software to break it into a client - server module.