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CAM Software Testing

This page details our experience with CAM software for use on the Multi-cam CNC. New platforms are trialed and documented here. The list of software used (or to be tested) is;

For all CAM programs except Enroute we will need to find Post Processors and make a tool library.


This is the supplied and recommended CAM platform. The version supplied was 5.1 - basic. It has extremely limited functionality;

We have described most of the tools we use in the Enroute Library.

Vectrics Vcarve

Recommended by contractors who have worked for SLQ in the past.

Post Processor

Luckily the in-built AXYZ A2MC (MM) post is close - we compared it the the enroute version created our own modified version -refer to vectrics forum for a discussion.

Autodesk Fusion360

Post Processor

According to this forum thread here this post processor should work.


Seeking to establish a workflow of design in Illustrator or 123D Make (exported as DXF) and layout/ and CAM settings via Enroute. here are my recollections a couple of hours later (figured i should get them down while it is fresh and we can edit/ improve later)

123D Make - Enroute

123d Make

  1. import an STL model into 123D Make
  2. adjust the dimension of the model to the size output you want.
  3. set material settings - dimensions of the plate and thickness, size of the tool you will use
  4. choose construction method adjust number of surfaces/ shapes you want to cut the orientation of shapes etc
  5. export file as DXF


  1. new file
  2. set plate dimensions
  3. import DXF
  4. Ungroup & delete markings, part numbers, bounding box etc
  5. Select each shape to cut and create path offset cut settings? (set tool- feed rates, spindle speed etc; whether its an external or internal cut)
  6. tabs on these cut paths (forgot this)
  7. add fabrication features like dogbone fillets (drillholes)
  8. Prepare output - Set cut strategies, order)
  9. Save
  10. output to jobs folder
  11. Connect to machine via file manager and push outputted job into the machine memory.


I wouldn't recommend trying to do too much editing of the shapes in enroute. i'd import files into Illustrator or Corell and make edits to the shapes

Illustrator - Enroute

this needs testing but i image this wont be too different to exporting a DXF from 123D. one consideration is that you probably want to be careful which shapes/paths you are grouping as you are un likely to be able to separate these for different tool operations.


Ungroup holes before applying paths.

When outputting with multiple strategies - untick 'Maintain Grouping' to ensure the rough passes are all cut first.