Table of Contents

Each Part of the installation was a 'story world'

The Main Story


Unheard stories are everywhere if you know where to look, my friends. Hiding in the empty fairy-wren’s nest from last season. Pulling faces from the brim of your cricket cap. Once I found an Unheard story stuck to a wad of gum on the underside of a school desk. Its heart trembled when I cupped it in my hands.

I am the collector of hidden tales. It’s very tiring. I have to turn everything upside down to find them. You’d think grown-ups would be grateful. So what if the ceiling fans are a little dangerous whirling around on the floor?

And there was that one time, I flipped the river. Everything got wet and everyone had to be punted around in boats but you should have seen the stories that floated up.

As a matter of fact, I’m about to create a rumpus at the library. I bet some hidden gems will shine. The grown-ups are panicking. They’re sticking everything down with safety tape and waving umbrellas. Maybe you can help? For every Unheard Story you find, I’ll spin the library a fraction until it’s the right way up again. Do we have a deal, my fellow seekers?

Yours in keeping.

Lady Meg Wittica Bird

(Collector of the Unheard Stories)


Story worlds

These were 10 Story worlds presented.

These are the 9 story worlds that were in the final installation:

1. Wiggly tooth shark entryway, a underwater dance party in its stomach Shark Mouth- including digestive tract

2. Snot blurping monsters make too much noise Snot Monster

3. Flying Applemen fighting for quiet and good Apple Head Flying Costume

4. Star making bullfrog flies to the moon for bouncing and spinning Star Making Bullfrog

5. The Troll fairy has one rule. You must play at all time. (Everyone flosses, even the troll fairy) Troll Fairy

6. The Red Ants from Pluto whispers sweet nothings to the river (in a booth). The Sweet Nothings are heard in the robot’s brain. Pluto Whispering Booth

7. Inside the Robot’s brain, there are unicorns, sweet nothings and Rumpus vision Inside a Robot Brain

8. Fashion Designer from Candy Town uses magic needle to fight evil and to keep the troll fairies flossing Fashion Designer hand bag and magic needle

9. Cat in a catamaran Cat in a Catamaran

There was also the main story of Meg who turned the library upside down to reveal all the untold stories (the story worlds above)