Part One - Children

This process will happen each day of the Out of the Box Festival. The work will be displayed in The Edge space with didactic information.

These didactics will be developed and implemented by the in-residence writer working on the project and will be incorporated into the final project documentation. The in residence writer will work with the children and artist to ensure the stories captured reflects their intentions.

9am – 12pm Children will work with artists to consider and conceptualize what their own personal/collective imaginary worlds would look like from a large and a small object perspective.

This can be achieved through whatever medium the engaging artists wants to play in so long as there is something akin to a physical idea or object that can be handed over to the designers.

12pm – 5pm All conceptual art will be handed over to designers to develop in a studio environment designs suitable for digital fabrication. This five-hour window is a concrete deadline and there will be no facility for extension as it backs onto the next process. Designers will be a mix of commercial and student designers donating their time. SLQ will provide the coffee and pizza or sushi to fuel their creative practice, as well as technology to execute. This will be a structured process working with a lead designer and focused on providing work experience opportunities and community development/building approaches.

5pm – 10pm (or later) At 5pm there is a handover meeting with the design team to the fabrication team followed by a work planning session to deliver fabricated objects by the end of the shift.

This work will be undertaken by students and commercial fabricators donating their time supported by SLQ staff with the mandate that everything must be finalized and installed before 9am the following morning so that the next round of young people can see what has come befo