Table of Contents

Imaginary World Design process

This process steps away from designing a Kaiju and opens out to a world. This plan was developed by Sue Loveday and Marainna Shek using the design process developed by Daniel Flood, Mick Byrne and Emma Che Reathke as a premise.

The Plan for Youth Participants


Introductions: As young peeps take their places - Draw a symbol of something you’re into on a sticker Sue introduce herself Marianna introduce herself. Go around circle with symbols

BREAK INTO THREE GROUPS make adjustments to achieve 3 groups of 5 per table

Sue What is the project? What are we doing Today?

You will be designers, writers and makers over the next three days. You are going to make 3 group installations for this space that will be viewed by an audience.

In this session: We are making a model of your ideas and creating a narrative that goes with it.

- Brainstorming - Design Game


The space

Sue: Walk around the room looking and observing the details - what’s outside, how many windows, ceiling height, colours. Take mental notes. Back to seats.

What is an installation?

Marianna: An artwork that is added to a space to get a reaction from an audience.

Examples • uses unusual space in unusual ways

• sound - light

• combines ideas

• makes an audience feel a certain way

• wants the audience to participate (eg go inside to hear, see or do something)

Drawing collaboration


Use one large piece of butchers paper, drawing ink and brushes - Doodle, scribble, write a word in 20 - 30 secs

- Spin the page so that you are looking on someone else's drawing

- Observe it, Add to it, make it into something else or add a word

- Spin it, add to it spin it add to it, and so on

- Drag the drawing to the floor to look at it from above.

- As a group can you add lines to turn it into one form?

- Share results

- multiple ideas come together to make one form/ artwork/ world

Entering your imagination

Marianna and Sue

- Find a spot and sit on floor with sharpies and post it notes. Close your eyes, enter your own imaginary world, open eyes and write down the first thing that comes to mind what is the first word or phrase that comes to your mind based on where you went.

- Do 3 times, to end up with three words on post its, 15 per group.

- Examine all of the words

- go around the circle reading each word.

- Are there links? common themes?

- Is it possible as a group to sort through all of the forms and come up with one? Or a combination to make one form? link to naming team


Marianna and Sue Based on the above decide on a team name and what your team stands for. SHARE with other groups



(Working in three groups)



• Remember we are designing your groups imaginary world based on your team name.

• Respect and listen

• Work quickly to access the thoughts that flow out of you without thinking too much.

• Accept the challenge of the ideas in front of you and add to it by using words like ‘and’ and ‘but’

• No contradicting the idea in front of you eg if a participant says your world/artwork has three eyes you can't then say it has no eyes.

Working on A3 sized butchers or bank paper


Sue Word association - Write down 5 words that you associate with your team name. Quickly - Pick one word and add it to the centre.


Marianna Everyone takes a word from the centre. It cant be the word you wrote. - Respond to the word in front of you by drawing what it looks like or describing it. In 2 mins. - Share your detail around the circle. - Add back to centre.


Marianna Everyone takes a new detail from the centre. It can't be something you have worked on. - Explain why or how this might exist in your groups imaginary world? in 5 minutes - Share around the circle.


Sue On a new page. Each person draws a quick sketch or write a description of what the imaginary world looks like so far.

- Share with group

Break into groups - WRITERS and MODELLERS - 15 mins briefing with M+S respectively Go back to groups and carry out the challenge given to you


Marianna and Sue - back to group

- Are there things to change as you model and write?

- How can you work this out as a group?

- Are there things you need to research?

- Can you start to MOOD BOARD or describe scale, colours and textures etc.


- Give your collaborative idea a title

SHARE your idea with other groups

The Plan for Teacher Participants


Who are you? - Draw a symbol of something you’re into on a sticker Sue introduce herself Marianna introduce herself Go around circle with symbols

BREAK INTO THREE GROUPS make adjustments to achieve 3 groups of 6 per table

==Present the ideas from young people==

- Introduce the idea of responding to what they have made. Distribute one to each group.

- Introduce the idea of working exactly the way we have worked with the young people.

Continue as we did with the young people… Marianna The only adjustment we should make is when they are doing the entering imagination game they need to visualise the model in front of them and come up with their words based on that?

Entering your imagination

- Find a spot and sit on floor with sharpies and post it notes. Close your eyes, enter your own imaginary world, open eyes and write down the first thing that comes to mind what is the first word or phrase that comes to your mind based on where you went.

- Do 3 times, to end up with three words on post its, 15 per group.

- Examine all of the words

- go around the circle reading each word.

- Are there links? common themes?

- Is it possible as a group to sort through all of the forms and come up with one? Or a combination to make one form?


Felt pens and sharpies

Stickers or Post it notes

Roll of butchers as wide as possible ( trimmed into communal size (big) and A3 size)

Drawing brushes thin and thick, 1 each Drawing ink

charcoal sticks

Masking tape

Blue tac

pencils and biros



boards to model on (that create a size indication)

old pencils for shaping

Room set up:

Screen for pdf projection 3 x communal desks

Open space for break outs and visualising the space

Things we might mention to the teachers along the way

The workshop with the young people aimed to develop skills in:

• Getting to know each other

• Collaboration and team work to achieve achieve a creative result

• Brainstorming and exploring imagination

• Activating the creative centre in the brain

• Refining an idea

• We used warm up games and the design game to help with:

- fear of the white page,

- descision making,

- equalising the ideas

- ownership and group organisation

• We used a Rhyzomatic approach

- An idea sprawls outwards at first, hearing everyones input and then refining with group consensous as the idea rises to the top.

• Group size can have an influence the design

• Food is an important part of engaging the community
