Table of Contents

Lead in installations: Plan


These lead in installations are a way to re-engage with community after a break (Christmas holidays) and to build new community that will become repeat users. It is hoped that from these installations a community will emerge that will stick around and will be the fabricators for the next stages in the Great and Grand Rumpus.

The first installation also acts as a transition from the One Last Apocalypse programming to The Great and Grand rumpus programming as it is still referring to a known entity (cardboard Kaiju) and beginning to introduce GGR (party).

The communities involved in these installation processes are:

How we reach out to new communities

We have found that some organisations want to hear about the whole program that we are offering and some don't (it can be a little overwhelming).

How do you know what do to?

- what is an organisation going to get from or want to engage in with the program? Is it hands-on skills initially that may lead to continued engagement or are they trying to commit to a long process of engagement? (eg: an education institution).


The lead in installations and community groups engaged with this program during March and April. There were 231 individual engagements over the span of this time.

Youth Outreach

Men's Shed Outreach

CWA outreach


Installation processes

Making a Kaiju

Imaginary World Design Process

This imaginary world design process was implemented during a 3 day process with Flying Arts (educators and young people)

Also, see here for the complete program offered Flying Arts 11-13th April 2018

Light up The Edge

Making a sign