Apple Head Flying Costume

The idea brief: IDEAS BRIEF 2: Flying Apple Men; Red Ants from Pluto; Snot Blurping Monster; Moon Swing; Troll Fairy

Designed and made by:

Toby an education student worked on the apple head along with Mick. The cape was worked on by Emma Che and Toby. After many iterations the helmet and cape that you see here was made.

Story #1-5072 The Flying Apple Tribe

Warriors of the Flying Apple Tribe. You must be asking, for what do we fight? Our trees have been destroyed? Why don’t we give up? I’ll tell you why. We fight to defend our friends the Plutoni-ants. We fight because snot blurping monsters have blurped on their beautiful, baffling poetry. We fight because we look dashing in our Serenity Capes’ designer outfits.

Here are your orders: Apple up. Don your cape. Go forth and shut down dem bad apples.

Commodore Granny Smith

Idea by Luciella (10), Leo (6) and Neson (8). Designed by Toby. Made by Ted and Jennifer.



123d make file

