Deception Bay

One Last Apocalypse is a community engagement and capacity-building project consisting of a series of workshops culminating in an event. It focuses on skill building, development and community ownership through engagements leading to a final event.

The project explores the idea of apocalypse as a conduit for discovery, change and renewal. By definition an apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning “an uncovering”) is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation.


This community-driven project will follow an engagement and development process over five months, incorporating educational outcomes in arts, science, technology and culminating in an event held at the Edge and a satellite event in Deception Bay in early December 2017.

The project will be delivered in stages enabling participants to tailor their engagement and build on acquired skills and knowledge gradually. The different phases will focus on the following areas of learning:

Thinking: This project creates a space for the exploration of big ideas through facilitated sessions utilising stimuli such as books, movies, graphic novels and games to encourage learning, sharing and critical thought.

Design: Participants will actively engage with design concepts through play and will be empowered to generate their own designs as a preparation to event design and fabrication.

Making: Participants will be guided through the making process through a series of workshops and will have the opportunity to use the Edge facilities including digital fabrication tools.

Event Planning: A key part of the project is to develop participant's skills in event planning and management. This will be achieved through event capacity building workshops.


The project seeks to engage diverse community groups to enhance the wealth of ideas, maximise learning and create opportunities for collaboration between individuals from different genders, ages and cultural backgrounds.

Deception Bay:

The Edge, SLQ will work with Deception Bay to make knowledge and skills available. Deception Bay will have the opportunity to deliver a satellite project and events. The Edge will deliver an event management capacity building workshop aimed at regional libraries and community leaders and will look at sending Brisbane project participants to support the delivery of the Deception bay events.


• Empower community through an exploration of game design for purpose Capacity building within communities of interest through embedded learning outcomes and modules. • Making skills and equipment accessible to members of the community who may not normally get access • Encouraging members of the community to engage with arts, science and technology including design and digital fabrication tools. • Literacy learning- engaging a non-traditional strategy for literacy engagement. • Continuing to build relationships and connection to community. • Celebrating as a community • Elevating Library profile • Documenting and evaluating the project


It is envisioned that Deception Bay Library will engage in the process of One Last Apocalypse on their site, at The Edge as well as via the Wiki. The following is what the engagement could look like. Please note that at each of the stages that are happening onsite at The Edge it is envisaged that a representative from one of the Deception Bay community groups would attend as well. This way a feel for each of the events is experienced and then that person can act as a champion for the satellite events.

1. Apocalypse Book Club series- This phase can include mini events of book club style discussions. This could be an apocalyptic songs book club with a local musician, a film night/ book club, and graphic novel book club. The Edge will offer book club plans as a resource for creating a book club series or one off event.

2. Apocalypse Games- This phase is a series of workshops and gaming opportunities for the community to engage with. The purpose is to develop an understanding of apocalyptic gaming and explore what is fun about that space. This playing also opens up discussions around social literacy, a sense of immersion in a world and critical thinking about a cultural artefact. A potential for this phase is for a game to be run with community groups (for example: at a Flexi school and with DBCYP young dads) and as well as at the library. The Edge can support this process by providing the resources that will be used for the program at The Edge, SLQ.

3. Apocalypse Thinking- The beginnings of thinking about design and working together as a group. Participants will actively engage with design concepts through play and will be empowered to generate their own designs as a preparation to event design and fabrication. The Edge could work towards sending a facilitator out to run this phase at the Deception Bay Library. Outreach groups can attend these events at the library. This could be one large session with skills learning and design challenges being set to complete. Or a back to back skills workshop and design challenges. There would also be options available for community to come into the Edge to the weekend sessions on 27th August & 7th September.

4. Inductions in the Fab Lab space: Organise a time for the flexi school, DBCYP and other participants to travel to The Edge, SLQ at South Brisbane. At The Edge there will be a tour of all the spaces. We would look to there being a main focus on 3D printers as they exist at the library in Deception Bay already. All participants will have the option to leave with something that they have made.

5. Apocalypse Design- Writing and structuring the design with an eye to the final event. Participants will take on board the design and making elements in previous weeks and begin to design the final event at Deception Bay Library. Community groups can come together at the library to have discussions and share/write ideas. A facilitator from the Edge can come out to begin this process.

6. Apocalypse Planning- Learning new event management skills to run the final event. The Event (DBCYP) group will have the opportunity to attend an intensive workshop at The Edge (10th Nov 10-12.30pm) with the hope that they could then run the Deception Bay event with some guidance and support. Library staff will also be invited to attend the PD.

7. Apocalypse Preparation- Preparation for the event. This is the phase of pulling together all of the ideas and making them happen.

8. Execution- Community run the weekend event (with support from the Edge if needed)

9. Feedback process – This will happen post event as well as collating evaluation.

Other points for consideration:


Evaluating this project is important to The Edge, SLQ. Discussions would need to happen to work out the best process for this for the Deception Bay community.


The Edge will be documenting the whole process via the wiki. It is envisioned that Deception Bay would also document as well. It will then be included in the wiki for the project. This way other regional libraries can see how The Edge, SLQ and Deception Bay engaged in the process with their specific communities. Marketing

We are looking into sharing access to the poster design for the book club series as well as doing any poster printing on The Edge’s banner printer.

Community dialogue captured

The Edge, SLQ will have a spyder board set up in the foyer of The Edge with the book club images as well as the Greek root meaning of Apocalypse with a question ‘What is Apocalypse to you?’ There will be writing space for community to add thoughts. As each event happens ideas will be captured and added to the board. Deception Bay could also have this growing dialogue at the Library captured using this format or something similar.

After One Last Apocalypse:

The Edge, SLQ have a range of 3D printing specific workshops that have a pile of different applications that could be done with the 3D printers at Deception Bay. During the project process as well as after there can be a process in place to share these resources.
