WESS - 6 Sep

Form Information

This workshop was facilitated by: Casselle Mountford
Name of any other State Library staff present: Billie Ruben
Workshop Date: 2021-09-06
Workshop Location: West End State School
How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? 70
Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission To be done
List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration: @@List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration@@
What did you think was successful about the workshop? Kids responded well to materials, enjoyed learning new proceses and expressing their imagined things. Chatting to kids 1-on-1 who were struggling, asking open ended questions about their idea to get them going with ideas.
What did you learn about the workshop? Pacing, in the second session we left more time at the end for the kids to shar their works. Give them enough time to bring their ideas to fruition.
Can you share any ideas for future implementation? @@Can you share any ideas for future implementation@@
Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop? @@Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?
Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants? mostly got them to write down cool things they said on base of their lanterns
What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop? there was a star sky one with a dragon that looked like a manta ray, some really bright coloured ones that were lovely. some with a really simple repeating pattern looked awesome, some with really abstract lines looked great.
Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?

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