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BSH Workshop Report - 26 Aug

Form Information

This workshop was facilitated by: Mick Byrne
Name of any other State Library staff present: Rozina Suliman
Workshop Date: 2021-08-26
Workshop Location: Brisbane State High
How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? 1
Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission BSHS-The Dragon and the Koi this is the design we have been working on since July.
List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration: @50. Thing
What did you think was successful about the workshop? we made strong progress and will be ready start fabricating our component next week.

The BSH crew will

Pending progress over the next 4 sessions head may need to be finished by SLQ staff. |

What did you learn about the workshop? Hands on interaction can be achieved in a COVID safe manner if children make and take a koi and or koi added during the day are installed out of reach or disposed of intermittently.
Can you share any ideas for future implementation? @@Can you share any ideas for future implementation@@
Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop? @@Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?
Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants? participants were having fun and thanked us unprompted when they left
What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop? i love the way we were able to remove the Koi and cave as responsiblities for the group to complete (koi outsource or made as part of spirits activity, Cave simplified and outsourced

Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop? at the begining of the session we discussed the new plan for the project given the interuptions from Covid

We discussed the cultural significance of the Koi and some other ways we could represent them inspired by these.

We then broke into 4 groups.

Group One - the cave design

Group Two - pose and continued dev of the dragon


Group Three to research and make an origami Koi

Group Four - to research and make a Japanese Childrens day Koi Kite


After working on this we shared our progress and had an opportunity to ask other groups questions

img_5189.jpg img_5190.jpg img_5191.jpg img_5192.jpg img_5194.jpg. img_5193.jpg. img_5195.jpg img_5201.jpg img_5199.jpg

Further Reflection


Both Koi options are great and have a lot of potential for sophisticated display, simple activation activities in the gallery and as stand alone activation workshops.

A simplified version of Origami and kite toy (straw, string, cardboard roll, and paper scales tail) could be developed for the activities in the gallery. As state above these could be take home or disposed at the end of the session to allow a covid friendly hands on interaction.

a middle ground workshop version could be developed for a functional kite or medium complexity origami koi activity (possibly including paper making ). and the actual exhibition pieces could be a school of very beautiful 30-50cm origami koi or moving kites full size (computer fan driven tails). Rozina suggested that these could also be made as a variation on the Sprits lantern making workshop.


while the cave prototype made today was not a fantastic development [really only a slightly larger version of the one made a month (or more) ago with Billie and Andrei] the discussion was significant. We disccussed:

Rozina and i also discuss riffing off the idea that the young people had for a layered construction method that i believe we can fabricate vey easily using layers of scrap cardboard to make “sedimentary” rock entrance and possibly some bolders in the cave to introduce some levels. I'll prototype this during the week.