Saturday Community Workshop - 17 July

General Information

Name of facilitator: mick Byrne
Name of any other State Library staff present: QLD
Workshop Date: 2021-07-17
Workshop Location: Saturday Arvo Crew No:2
Year Level: Community
Number of Participants: 2
Teacher Name: @@Teacher Name@@
How many permission forms were returned? 1
How many Imagined Things were sent into The Well? 0
Notes regarding Thing Submission @@Notes regarding Thing Submission@@
List the Imagined Things number range (found on their unique name at The Well ie: 3-15): na

Reflective Notes

Note: Please use * (space space * space) before each dot point.

What did you think was successful about the workshop?
What did you learn from the workshop?

* there are common themes in the things - rainbows, undersea, unicorns, colour

*brief and watching video is a good idea, lots of quest and answer during

| Can you note any ideas for future implementation? | need a dedicated facilitator or move workshopy part of the session to before open lab (where we are delivering content or facilitating process- ongoing work can happen during Open Lab) hard to get photos (not alot to photograph - and difficult to do three things at once.

Are there any actions arising from this workshop?

* Activate Teams

Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?

* Key messages, objectives and barriers to engagement sections of creative brief resonated well and explained what we are trying to achieve.

What was/were your favourite Imagined Thing/s from the workshop?

didn't decide on anything today but will choose something early next week.

Did you capture any images to share from the workshop? (optional)



