Table of Contents

Saturday Afternoon Crew - Community Page

Grumpus Community Makers

Welcome to our community makers!! Here is the place to come and keep up to date with the latest developments of our Saturday Sessions.


In the Great & Grand Rumpus, children are the creative visionaries tasked with imagining the world that is to be created, a dream-like work full of fantastical creatures, spaces, sounds and sensations. During the first half of 2021 children in primary schools across the city have envisioned the Imagined Things of the Grumpus and submitted these to our Well.

The drawings, sculptures and stories that are in The Well are the base for the development of a large scale installation in the SLQ Gallery from December 2021.

This is where you come in, we are creating a team of community designers. Your task: to take the incredible ideas children have created and use them as the starting point for a creative process leading to the development of a large scale cardboard sculpture!

We're keen to keep communication flowing so visit this wiki page for our community forum:

Forum Discussion

If you're one of our community makers, we'd love you to share your work on this project across social media! Tag us in using @SLQedge on Instagram or Twitter and use the hashtags #slqgrumpus and #makinggrumpus

Session Wrap Ups

Micks wrap-up from the Sat 21 Aug Saturday arvo crew workshop

it was great to see Dianne, Shi & Philip, Phillipa and Stef at the session today.



Phillipa and Stef worked on the shark and Dianne, Shi, Philip and I chose an idea for the group to make as a giant sculpture. We then started work on a maquette (scale model) of the beasty's internal structures.


Micks wrap-up from the Sat 28 Aug Saturday arvo crew workshop

It was great to see Diane, Shi and two new people this week, Diana and Katy welcome

Saturday Community Crew - 28 Aug

Form Information

This workshop was facilitated by: Mick
Name of any other State Library staff present: na
Workshop Date: 2021-08-28
Workshop Location: clean Lab
How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? 1
Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission Participants created a dead specimen of the Noname
List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration: Rocu thing and No Name thing
What did you think was successful about the workshop?

* How big Noname will be

  • what he will look like on the outside
  • how we will try to achieve this look using cardboard and paper textures
  • how he will be posed to communicate his state of mind and to create visual impact.
  • what set dressing could accompany the sculpture
  • how we will proceed in the coming weeks |

^What did you learn about the workshop?|Participants are keen to make but also relieved that there will be some assistance completing the sculpture |

Can you share any ideas for future implementation? we tried to make an articulated model of the figure for posing but ended up with the participants posing me…. on the table.
Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?The plan going ahead is for us staff to build a stand and head structure and participants will commence skinning ,styling, adding detail to the head next week. It may also be useful to build a temporary frame for the other parts of the sculpture to see the size proportions of the beaste
Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants? it was nice to see new people being welcomed to the group and relativity quickly joining in
What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?the effect to make the beard is interesting.
Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?

Posing our beaste

We started by discussing the state of mind of the beaste


but the easiest way to workout how to pose our beaste was for one of us (me) to allow the group to a body.


we created Specimen Maquette (like a biologists sample preserved in jar)


and then moved onto what cardboard and paper effects were appropriate to represent our beast


is an appropriate short hair / skin (like horses have) and crunched up strips of corrugation might be good for the matted beard.



We also went thru and scaled the sculpture in reference to our square beams


Saturday Crew Session Wrapup- 2 Sep

Form Information

This workshop was facilitated by: Mick Byrne
Name of any other State Library staff present: NA
Workshop Date: 2021-09-02
Workshop Location: Machine Shop
How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? 1
Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission
List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration: Noname Rocu
What did you think was successful about the workshop?

* we reviewed the maquette that was made during the week

  • Zac worked on an antler
  • Shi and Courtney and
  • Phil and i worked on

We also discussed the approach we would take making

  • the beard
  • skin
  • antlers & bone |

^ What did you learn about the workshop? | Everyone is keen to make and enjoys the problewm solving |

Can you share any ideas for future implementation? no
Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop? Mick to continue skinning skull in readiness for other features to
Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?


What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?
Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?

Noname Fabrication Update 15Oct

Grumpus Community Facilitators

Session Wrap-up for Saturday Arvo Crew on 11 Sept

Form Information

This workshop was facilitated by: Mick Byrne
Name of any other State Library staff present: na
Workshop Date:2021-09-11
Workshop Location:clean Lab
How many Designed Things were sent into The Well?0
Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission
  • Phil & CC worked on creating a structure to support the “mask” and Eyes,
  • Zac completed the first of the antlers (including covering them in white (greaseproof paper)) and
  • Diane started building the “Face-arms”.

Barring any covid shutdown interruptions. we are on-track to complete the head in the next couple of weeks.

Apart from all this i cooped Lachlan and Fabian to assist with prep of scales and spines on the BSH kids' Dragon and Koi sculpture. |

List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration:@@List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration@@
What did you think was successful about the workshop?One of my favourite parts of this kind of work is seeing members of the community engaged in problem solving and getting into the zone with their making. Its great seeing people who don't really know each other come together and work out (and execute) elegant solutions to novel problems - like how do you get a cardboard eye mask to sit right on a giant cardboard deer skull? or how. am i going to get facearms to look lifelike when made of cardboard, hot glue and tape.
What did you learn about the workshop?a variation on the cheesey Field of Dreams quote “build it and they will come”. My version… if you can get them to come, they will build it.
Can you share any ideas for future implementation?@@Can you share any ideas for future implementation@@
Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?@@Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?
Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?
What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop? i loved seeing the scale of the antlers
Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?

Saturday Afternoon Community Session Plans

Please make sure participants fill in the Designed Things form at the end of their session.

Designed Things Submission

Please make sure to fill in a refection form at the end of the workshop if you are facilitating.

Facilitator Report