QUT Workshop Report - 28 July

This workshop was facilitated by: Daniel, Rozina, and Mick

Workshop Date: 2021-07-28

Workshop Location: Aud2 & Clean Lab

How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? 0

Notes regarding Thing Submission

List the Imagined Things number or name na

What did you think was successful about the workshop? introduced crew to what they will be working on over the coming months.

What did you learn about the workshop?

Can you note any ideas for future implementation? * Maybe refer to students as a “crew/team”. They have a different role in this project to their usual role. This places everyone on a level playing field - primary, secondary, tertiary students, community participants and facilitators are all here to learn and contribute collaboratively to the project. * Need to remember to stop 20 minutes prior to document the progress

Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop? * students given homework to explore the well and come to the next session with ideas to contribute * students asked to decide on a geometric shape and concept for their Spirit of the Rumpus wild and come ready to create at the next session * pre-roll some paper ahead of next week's workshop

Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants? * some crew members enjoying the things in the well * some crew members very quiet but engaging in experimentation with materials

What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?

Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop? (optional)