Table of Contents

Dynamic Projection

~~HERO-IMAGE ~~ ~~HERO-SUBTITLE Community created content in a projected world~~


This article is related to the Great and Grand Rumpus Exhibition 2021-2022 and refers to a full wall projection as part of the installation. The project is a digital and dynamic scene/environment populated with content created by members of the public. The content is created through workshops and then curated and seamlessly dynamically added to the projection.

The Proof of concept is developed in house but will rely on community members or other stakeholders to contribute to development in order to be finalised.

An appearance of the base environment or backdrop will be based on the overall theme of the Grumpus as well as directed by the visual id/style guide produced externally.

April 2020 - Phil Gullberg, Applied Creativity

Technical requirements

The framework must have the ability to do the following:

  1. Load assets (3d models, audio files, 2d sprites, etc.) dynamically into the project without restarting the projection, loading screens, etc.
  2. Adding new assets must be simple and needs to support a bit of meta data do be attached
    1. Creator credits, stories, inspiration
    2. Movement, animations, colors, etc.
  3. Needs to be custom resolution
  4. Needs to work at a stable framerate (30fps, 60 ideally)


The current direction is to use the Unity game engine as it allows us to create AssetBundles of created assets in a project, these in turn can be downloaded and loaded into a project seamlessly.

Using Unity: Pros and Cons

Unity tech tests

As proof of concept we explored options to solve the following tech challenges:

  1. Create AssetBundle and automatically download the AssetBundle from a server
  2. Load and display AssetBundle contents in a project scene

Project is attached below (under resources).

Challenges / Questions
