Table of Contents

Public sessions: Designing the game assets

Engagement style


Fabrication lab or DML window bay and computers


Monday 29th October 6-8pm




1 x contractor

1 x casual staff

The plan

• Graphic Design process for card decks, board and rule book

1. Brainstorm

2. Design skills 101

3. Design 3 x card decks Kaiju, Defender, Instant

• Break off into groups focussing on one card deck

• Board design

• Rule book design

• Finish/goodbyes

Materials needed

• Butchers paper

• Pens/pencils

• Buildings & kaiju & old cards

• Kaiju typography and VID files

• Computers

• Snacks

Outcome required

3 cards decks designed with minimal touch ups required post by Kasey

Board design

Rule book design

Finalize the buildings and Kaiju design


There was a small group again for the design session. During this session we were able to get a colour palette together as well as some more work on the game board. It was also decided that the buildings would need to be smaller than initially thought due to the size of the hexes on the board and how big that makes the kaiju (not as big as originally thought)
