
This wiki uses the following templates for Technology Resources and Activities. We encourage authors to use them as much as possible to keep consistency for our readers.

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Technology Resources

Technology resources need to be located at the following URL:


Once you have created the page, you will also need to link to it on the Technology Resources page under the appropriate column. You create a link by entering the page ID (which can be found in the URL) within double square brackets.



Enter a brief description with an image on left (200px by 200px recommended)

| **Recommended Ages** | Enter the school age and child age (eg Prep to Year 2 (ages 5 to 7) |
| **Product Cost** | Add a cost range and what is included. If there are additional components, add them on a second line (use \\<space> to force a line break) |
| **Where to Purchase** | Give a general idea where the item can be purchased, It is OK to link to online stores, however link to the stores front page and not the item page directly  |

<WRAP clear></WRAP>

====Product Requirements====
List any requirements in using the product i.e. Internet access, tablets, etc

If State Library has this item for loan, use {{section>digital_literacy:clippings#loanable_kits}} here, else use {{section>digital_literacy:clippings#loanable_kits1}}

===Kit Contents===
  * List the items in a kit. Remove if not available for loan

=====Use In Libraries=====
Add any cases of the item being used in libraries and if any grants where used to obtain the item. Seperate each library using ====Library Name====. Delete this section if there are no cases.

Add links to any activities or workshops developed using a bullet list. Activities or workshops that are not created by State Library should be credited to that library. Delete this section if there are no activities.

Add resource links or downloads using a bullet list. Resources can be grouped using ====Group Name====.

Add any tips for using this item. Use the following format:
===Tip Title===
Tip Answer



Activities should be located under the technology page using the following URL:


Once you have created the page, you will also need to link to it on the technology resources page under the Activities section. You create a link by entering the page ID (which can be found in the URL) within double square brackets.


Be sure to seperate each activity using a bulleted list and credit your library!


//Activity developed by [[library URL|Library Name]]//\\ 
<WRAP 400px>
| **Age group** | Enter the school age and child age (eg Prep to Year 2 (ages 5 to 7) |
| **Method** | Small/Large group (XX children) activity |
| **Participant to facilitator ratio** | 4:1 |
| **Duration** | 1 hour |

====Aim/Key Learning====
Add the aim and key learnings. Use a bulleted list.
====Preparation and Materials Required====
Add all the preparation and materials required to run the activity. Use a bulleted list
=====Activity Steps=====
====X. Step Title====
**Time:** Time that should be spent on this step\\ 
Step details. You can force line breaks by using \\ . Each step should be numbered. It is recommended to include steps for Setup, Introduction and  Evaluation & Closing. Include photographs if it makes explaining the step easier!