Draw a Butterfly


Age group Year 2 to Year 4 (ages 8 to 10)
Method Individual activity
Participant to facilitator ratio 6:1
Duration 45 mins

Aim/Key Learning

Program the Pro-Bot to draw a butterfly on a piece of paper.

Preparation and Materials Required

Activity Steps

1. Introduction

Time: 10 mins
Introduce yourself, participants introduce themselves, cover any housekeeping. Explain the aim of the workshop (‘Today we are going program a Pro Bot to draw a butterfly’). Show participants how to program the Pro Bot using the movement and repeat commands. Conduct a brief demonstration of the Pro Bot drawing an object (such as a square). Show participants an pre-drawn example butterfly.

2. Experiment and Explore

Time: 30 mins
Participants attempt to program the Pro Bot to draw the butterfly. When the Pro Bot makes a wrong move, the facilitator should replace the piece of paper.

3. Evaluation and Closing

Time: 5 mins
At the end of the session, thank everyone for their participation and team work.


There are multiple ways this can be achieved with the Pro-Bot and the code below is only one way.

Starting at the top left corner of the left wing and facing right, the following code can be used:

// Left Wing
Fd 3
Fd 9
Fd 3
Fd 9

// Move to bottom of body
Fd 3
Fd 7

// Bottom of body
Fd 4

// Right Wing
Fd 2
Fd 3
Fd 9
// Right Wing Cont.
Fd 3
Fd 7

// Move to top of body
Bk 5

// Top of body
Fd 4
Bk 2

// Neck
Fd 1

// Head
Bk 1
Fd 2
Fd 2
Fd 2
Fd 2

Loanable Kits

State Library has kits of this item available for loan to libraries within the Regional Libraries Queensland and Indigenous Knowledge Centres network. Libraries can place a reservation through the Aurora catalogue (availability is subject to existing reservations, loans and associated return dates).

The kits are for use by patrons within the library only, as part of supervised library programming. They will not be listed in the public online catalogue for personal reservation.

Please contact Access Services, or phone 07 3842 9014 with any queries.

Loanable Kits

State Library does not have kits of this item available for loan to libraries.