====== Prototype Workshop Template ===== {{workshops:prototypes:2022-23delivery-lasercutcovers:velocity_measuring_cups.png?400|}} Add the month and year plus name of workshop developer/s ===== Acknowledgement ===== We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their continuing connection to land and as custodians of stories for millennia. We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we all meet today, and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. ===== Summary ===== ===== Skills Introduced ===== * Skill 1 * Skill 2 * Skill 3 ====== Materials ====== If your workshop does not require any materials (maybe digital only) delete this section or change to something more appropriate. ==== ==== ^ Material ^ Quantity ^ Cost ^ Supplier ^ | Material 1 | 1 | $0.00 | [[start|Supplier 1]] | | Material 2 | 1 | $0.00 | [[start|Supplier 2]] | | Material 3 | 1 | $0.00 | [[start|Supplier 2]] | | Material 4 | 0.1 | $0.00 | [[start|Supplier 3]] | | | Total | $0.00 | | ==== ==== ====== Tools and Preparation ====== Again, if your workshop does not require physical tools, delete or change this to something like Software required. ===== Tools ===== * Tool 1 * Tool 2 * Tool 3 * Tool 4 ==== ==== ===== Preparation ===== Before the workshop you will need to ... ====== Workshop Walk through ====== ===== Step 1 ===== ==== Sub-Step 1 ==== ==== Sub-Step 2 ==== ===== Step 2 ===== ==== Sub-Step 2-1 ==== ==== Sub-Step 2-2 ==== ===== Step 3 ===== ==== Sub-Step 3-1 ==== ==== Sub-Step 3-2 ==== ===== Step 4 ===== ==== Sub-Step 4-1 ==== ==== Sub-Step 4-2 ==== ====== References ====== * [[start|Reference Link]] ===== Downloads ===== Add any slide presentations, instructions, software etc. here If you wish to make a slide deck to include, please follow a similar example of colour and Wiki styling.