=====Learn to ThreeDee with a FUNctional print - Self Paced Starter Project===== This one’s a little different than the other Starter Projects because we are not going tell you what to make. There’s a pile of knickknacks on Thingiverse and models on MyMiniFactory that you can download and print as a first 3D print. And yes it will be exciting standing there and watching it print out… {{:workshops:gettingstarted:exciting.png?100|}} …but that doesn’t really do much to make the world a better place does it? Is it just going to be another lump of plastic that is going to end up choking up the ocean or entering the food chain? {{workshops:gettingstarted:laysan_albatross_chick_remains.jpeg?300}} Trinkets like this are regularly called dust collectors. They usually don’t change anything, they don’t solve a problem or fill a gap. They just sit on a shelf getting in the way for a while till you get sick of looking at them and throw them away. This is where Functional prints come in… and I think it’s the best way to learn to actually use a 3D printer. To learn the skills you need to productively use the machine and start solving little everyday problems you need to find a little every problem to solve. When people ask me, "Mick my good man what’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever made on a 3D printer?" I probably end up boring the brains out of them. They expect you to talk about printing out something cool like a prosthetic for a three-legged dog or a jet engine for a model boat but I talk about something very, very boring – a replacement foot for a café table leg (you know the little feet you screw up and down to adjust the height of individual legs and stabilise a table on uneven ground). {{workshops:gettingstarted:missing_feet2.jpg?200}} But I’m still excited about this print (probably 10 years later) because it was a quick, simple solution to a really annoying problem and especially when I didn’t have time to muck around. {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-20_at_5.58.04_pm.png?200}} It took me 5 minutes to design a foot that would go with some M6 bolts I already had, and 30 minutes to print out 6 copies on our 3D printer. A couple of squirts of black paint and voilà - problem solved. I think the best thing was that it saved me the 30 min drive out to and back from Bunnings, where I was either going to get stung for an expensive replacement that probably wouldn’t match or… find out that they didn’t have anything suitable. More frustration. And this is why I like the functional print. And why I think it’s the best way to learn the skills you need. It's often replacing a simple plastic part that’s broken or gone missing. Or filling that gap when you say to yourself “I wish I just had a little thingamajig to solve that problem”. And when it works you get that buzz, the satisfaction of doing something for yourself, a friend or family. Check out the FunctionalPrint subreddit for the cool things other people have made. And here my pick of the best 6. | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.18.27_pm.png?300 | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.11.32_pm.png?300}} | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.14.27_pm.png?300}} | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.12.20_pm.png?300}} | | | | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w34rhf/my_3d_printed_lanyard_wallet_with_a_pvb_covered/|Reddit - 3d printed Lanyard by u/TsunaSing]] | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w5lkna/needed_a_pool_skimmer_35_hours_later_its_time_to/|Reddit - Pool Skimmer u/sholder89]] | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w3w0hh/cable_manager_from_thingiverse_modified_in_fusion/|Cable Manager adapted from Thingiverse by u/21Goose21]] | | | | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.14.07_pm.png?300}} | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.17.04_pm.png?300}} | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.15.20_pm.png?300}} | | | | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w180kp/prototype_success/|Reddit - Lawn chair drink caddy by u/Skvli]] | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w5ual8/made_these_hooks_out_of_abs_to_hang_planters_from/|Planter hooks by u/Noble69]] | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/vykz0f/a_few_hours_ago_my_wife_said_she_didnt_like/|Reddit - Shower head clip by u/Jesus_Died_LOL_84]] | | | | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.12.40_pm.png?300}} | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.13.54_pm.png?300}} | {{workshops:gettingstarted:screen_shot_2022-07-23_at_3.11.32_pm.png?300}} | | | | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w3vzhw/broke_the_mop_saved_20_by_printing_the_head/|Broke the Mop replacement by u/VaughnSC]] | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/vu9nl1/first_functional_print_a_microphone_popfilter/|Reddit - Popfilter by u/leonedott]] | [[https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/w5eqoc/lost_my_xacto_blade_holder_so_designed_and/|Reddit - Xacto blade holder by u/Illustrious-Yard-871]] | | | So… getting started. Page break for print =====So... Your Mission if you Choose to accept it===== ==Step 1== Have a look thru these and then have a look around your home, at what little plastic things need fixing with a little bracket or patching with a thingimajig. Or have a think about that annoying little thing you're always losing or struggling to get lined up and bring it and we’ll start making a 3D printed solution. ==Step 2== Get yourself to Hack the Evening at the State Library on a thursday night (hardest part of the whole process cause you can't do it from the couch) Introduce yourself and we'll show you around. ==Step 3== We'll talk about you project and make some measurements. Maybe make a basic drawing planning out how we are going solve your problem. ==Step 4== Learn the basics of TinkerCad - Autodesk's free online Cad program. Like I said above its easy to learn all you need is: - be able to read a computer screen, - operate a mouse and - have some patience. Theres a TinkerCAD tutorial [[facilities:fablab:software:tinkercad|here]] In TinkerCad we'll go thru: - How to navigate the 3D space in the program - We'll show you how easy it is to create functional models using the geometric solids - how to dimension these solids using the ruler tool - how to layout these solids using the align and drag tools - how to how to combine these solids to create compound shapes and finally - how to export your model ready for printing. ==Step 5== Learn how to prep your model for printing using the PrusaSlicer software: - Importing your model - working out the best way to orient it for printing. - Choosing your settings - resolution, infill, Support or no support - Saving you model as a printible Gcode file on the SD card. - ==Step 6== Learn how to use the actual printer: - selecting you job in the menus - getting the printer ready to print - And Go!