====== Leapfrog ====== picture of the finished product to go here ... ===== Summary ===== Redevelopment of old 3d printer ... ===== Materials ===== Re-use of existing + some new components ... ===== Tools ===== TBA ===== Operating Instructions ===== TBA ===== Development notes ===== Smashed heater bed - replaced ? ===== Feedback ===== TBC ===== References ===== This were you put external links like [[http://www.instructables.com/id/Electric-Generator-Powering-LEDs/|LED generator]], if they have not appeared in the Instructions. ==== Files ==== This is where you put files for laser cutting, Excel sheets of suppliers etc.. laser cut stuff : ==== Links ==== Any External Links like 'Thingiverse' etc. to go here ... TBA ===== Project Progress ===== ( Use this section as a running summary of how the project is going so that others can follow. Diary type entries, with dates, would be a good format.) - Commenced tear down of old system ... 2016 \\ - The old machine needs to be pulled apart & re-engineered ... 2017 \\ - Awaiting new board & power supply ? ... 2017 \\ + printer head ... 2017 \\ ==== Project Table ==== | **Project ** | **Percent Complete** | **Project Lead** | **Status** | **Budget Req** | **Budget Approved ** | **Next Major Milestone** | **Subsequent Milestones to complete** | | | [[facilities:hte:projects:leapfrog|LEAPFROG]] | 60% | Hyden | work in progress | $100 | ? | Fix printer head | reinstate external cover & get operational |