=====Planeing the Wasteboard===== 1) Position the wasteboard hard into the corner and location blocks 2) Turn on the vacuum pump! 3) **Remove location blocks!!!`** For a new board both sides need to be dressed to remove wax coating and level the board. 1.5 to 2 months under heavy use. 1mm deep initially on first side on a fresh board .5mm deep on second side on a fresh board From this point the board should need not flipped until a new board is used. .2mm deep there after on the same side ====Planning the Wasteboard==== 4) Key in F28 on A2MC Console * Set waste board **No** * Wasteboard must be set AFTER the planing table or machine bed damage may result! * Plane table yes * Tool Diameter 45 * Overlap 50% * Length (X Axis) 2420mm * Width (Y Axis) 1230mm * Z depth .5 mm * Feed rate 12000mm * Spindle RPM 10000 * Set origin NO * Plane table Yes ====Set the Wasteboard ==== When planing is complete replace location blocks. **Now you need to set the waste board (ie zero the Z Axis)** 5) Key in F28 on A2MC Console * Set waste board Yes Jog tool down to complete a manual tip off (as per [[facilities:fablab:equipment-cots:multicam_m-2412:manual_tip-off|manual tip off]]) and press OK when you are have //just touched.// **LINKS** [[facilities:fablab:equipment-cots:multicam_m-2412:cnc_router_operations|CNC Router Operations]] [[facilities:fablab:equipment-cots:multicam_m-2412:other_operations_staff_only|Other Operations - Staff Only]] [[http://wiki.edgeqld.org.au/doku.php?id=facilities:fablab:inductions:multicamcnc:start&s[]=induction#cnc_induction|Multicam CNC Induction]]