====== Mask Making at the Deception Bay Library (21 Nov 2017) ====== ====== Activity Outline ====== The mask making session explored how we can cover our identity or protect ourselves. Discuss what senses are for and how they help us in our day to day life. ====== Materials needed ====== Cardboard of various thickness and texture Pencils and colouring pens Stapler and staples Clothes pegs or bulldog clips Hot glue gun and extra glue (including first aid for glue burns) iPad with internet access for design ideas ====== Recommendations ====== Before starting do a debrief and training session on hot glue guns and what to do if you get glue on your skin. Watch a video/Youtube for ideas and shapes ====== Discussion ====== We discussed whether we needed a full-face mask or a half mask. We looked at how to shape the mask to get a snout shape. We included measuring and shapes (mathematics) to help us get our desired effects ====== Photos ====== {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:maks10_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:maks11_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask5_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask6_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask9_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask12_rot.jpg?400|}} {{:facilities:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask13_rot.jpg?400|}} {{ :planning:one_last_apocalypse:book_club:mask3.jpg?400 |}}