======His Lordship El Sire of Privilege City====== His Lordship has "done" everywhere except Mars because who would want to go there anyway. He knows all of the important trends like whether to wear sunglasses on your face, on your neck or on your head. Above all he is an expert on the economic potential of trained circus fleas and other exploitable species. As a child he was gifted a flock of wild unicorns for his 5th birthday before selling their horns for $5,000,000,000 and "retiring" them the next day. It must be noted that his Lordship finds the pain of others (human or otherwise) tolerable as long as their moans do not disturb aperitif time on the jetty. Has a girlfriend named Roberta who has no opinions or knowledge (that he is aware of) and knows better than to complain lest she be retired like the unicorns. Best-selling books he has had ghost-written include: **//Pavlov-a: Savour the Training, Cash in the Winning//** and **//A Million Bucks for your Buck//** Played as a [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:authors:start|scholar]] in [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:start]] by pmaudy Here is a list of pmaudy's writings: {{changes> ns=engagement:grumpus:bookwriting& user = pmaudy}} This is a [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:start]] page.