=====Men's Sheds Session 2 ===== During this session 4 men from Sunnybank will be coming in. == Preparation == Cold water Buy some cookies, as well as some tea and coffee. == Materials needed == Laptops Music == The Plan == Albert Park to have tour with peter and then do a hand tools induction with Emma (with Peter to assist) Whilst this is happening Men's Shed grab a cuppa and then set up on laptops and begin working digitally using Inkscape. These skills will be used to make a detail for the the Kaiju and then they will apply these skills in later weeks to make sign numbers for their community. == Reflection == == Photos == {{:engagement:the_great_and_grand_rumpus:img_8630_rot.jpg?600|}} {{:engagement:the_great_and_grand_rumpus:img_8631_rot.jpg?600|}}