~~REVEAL~~ ====== Workshop 03 - Productivity and System Tools ====== ==== ==== Operating systems are only as useful as their compatible software. Let's identify/install compatible Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), and ensure document/file compatibility between systems. ===== FOSS Software Alternatives ===== There are many software alternatives - examples below (non-FOSS software is __underlined__): ==== ==== ^ Software ^ MS Windows/Apple OSX ^ Linux ^ | Office | __MS Office__ | Libreoffice | | Email | __Outlook__ | Thunderbird | | Voicechat | __Skype__ | __Skype__ | | Video playback | __Windows Media Player/Quicktime__ | VLC | | Web browser | __Microsoft Edge/Safari__ | __Chrome__, Firefox | | DVD/Video tool | Handbrake | Handbrake | | Publishing | __pagemaker__ | Scribus | | Vector graphics | __Adobe Illustrator__ | Inkscape | | Audio Editing | Audacity | Audacity | \\ ===== Xubuntu Software Installation ===== Most Xubuntu software is provided as //packages// (programs) in the Ubuntu repository. Easy installation methods include: - Ubuntu Software Centre - Using .deb files We can also install with the Terminal. Advanced options include installing from scripts and compiling from source. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo|View a guide for those methods]]. ===== Software ===== ==== ==== Access new software under 'Software': {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:software_in_whisker_menu.jpg?nolink&600 |}} Find/install from here. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:software.jpg?nolink&600 |}} Search for video player, VLC: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:vlc.jpg?nolink&600 |}} Select and install. It will prompt you to enter your password. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:install_vlc_-_password.jpg?nolink&600 |}} Now find it under 'Multimedia'. Right click to add to favourites. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:vlc_in_whisker_menu.jpg?nolink&600 |}} Launch VLC and enable network access. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:vlc_network_access_policy.jpg?nolink&600 |}} Done! ===== .deb Files ===== Software can be installed from .deb files. Install only from **trusted sources** to avoid malicious software. If in doubt, [[https://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?search_type=1|search]] the [[https://ubuntuforums.org/ubuntu|user]] forums. Let's run an installer for [[https://www.clementine-player.org|clementine]]: - Download .deb from clementine.org [[https://www.clementine-player.org/downloads|downloads]]. (Choose 64bit) - Double-click to open. - Install as with VLC. ===== Package Management ===== Xubuntu uses a //package management system// (PMS) to find, install, update and upgrade software packages. Use the Terminal to enter commands such as ''dpkg'' to install and ''apt-get'' to search/download from repositories. Try this: - Open a terminal emulator from the whisker menu, or with ctrl+alt_t. - Type ''apt-get -h'' - This displays the help for apt-get and gives a simple explanation of what it does. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:apt-get-h.png?nolink&600 |Help menu for apt-get}} === === With new installations we usually update/upgrade so we have the most recent packages in our sources. We've already done this with Software Updater, but try it anyway: - Type ''$ sudo apt-get update '' - Enter your password when prompted. - Apt-get will search through its list of software available and provide output. - Type ''$ sudo apt-get upgrade'' - Apt-get will upgrade the packages found in its update (if not already completed). ===== The Terminal ===== The terminal is text only or //Command Line Interface (CLI)//. Combined with a shell (to interpret commands), it is the most powerful and direct way to use a computer. Some symbols are used often. Eg, Open Terminal and you will see: sdlw@sdlw-server:~$ It indicates: * Who I am (sdlw) * What computer I'm on (sdlw-server) * Where I am in that computer (the home directory (~ is a home directory shortcut)) * My user type (standard user ($)) === === Navigate using commands: * Forward slash (/) shows your current directory (folder). * Single forward slash (/) is the 'root directory' (it contains all other directories) * Tilde (~) indicates your home directory. If you are user, then the tilde (~) stands for '/home/user' (where 'user' is your username). === === ''pwd'' shows your current directory (pwd = "print working directory"). sdlw@sdlw-server:~$ pwd /home/sdlw === === ''ls'' or //list// shows files in your current directory. Commands can show sizes, dates and permissions of files. * Try ''ls -al'' - to show files in the current directory, with information on type and permissions. === === ''cd'' changes directories. Eg: * For root directory, use ''cd /'' * For home directory, use ''cd'' or ''cd ~'' * Go up one level with ''cd ..'' * Go to the previous directory with ''cd -'' Change multiple directories by describing the path, separating directory names with ''/''. Eg, ''cd /var/www'' goes to the ''/www'' subdirectory of ''/var/''. **Try to use cd and ~ to get to your desktop!** === === Many commands need ''sudo'' at the start. This 'elevates privileges to the root-user administrative level temporarily' so you can work with directories/files not owned by your account. Eg, try running ''apt-get install'' without sudo: $ apt-get install vlc It shows an error: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:apt_get_fail.png?nolink&600 |apt-get error message}} === === Try again with: $ sudo apt-get install vlc Enter password, and apt-get will function. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:sudo_apt_get.png?nolink&600 |request for password}} Learn more with //linux Command Line// by William Shotts. Download [[http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php|here]]. ====== Install Additional Software ====== Install remaining software (such as Libre Office) via Ubuntu Software Centre, .deb files, or with the terminal. ====== Cross-platform Compatibility ====== There are a number of formats we can use to transfer easily between systems. These include: * FAT - disk limit of 4GB (Xubuntu/Windows/OSX). * FAT32 - disk limit of 1000GB, file limit of 4GB (Xubuntu/Windows/OSX). * NTFS - Large disk/file limits (Xubuntu/Windows. OSX can read with additional software, but cannot write to this format). * exFAT - Large disk/file limits (Windows/OSX. Xubuntu requires additional setup.) * HFS and HFS+ (OSX. Xubuntu requires additional setup) To use exFAT on Xubuntu, install via Terminal: sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils To read HFS/HFS+ and write to HFS, install via Terminal: sudo apt-get install hfsprogs Writing to HFS+ requires additional setup. Consider using ExFAT instead if possible. ==== Formatting External/Internal Disks ==== Xubuntu itself can't format drives/removable media, so install Gnome-Disk-Utility: sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility Once installed, open 'Disks' from the whisker menu. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:menu_006.png?nolink&600 |}} It shows your internal hard drive and any other available drives. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:disks_007.png?nolink&600 |}} Insert your USB: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:disks_008.png?nolink&600 |}} To wipe, choose format and name. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:disks_009.png?nolink&600 |}} Use [[https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_allocation_table#FAT32|FAT32]] for cross-platform compatibility. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:disks_010.png?nolink&600 |}} Confirm. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:disks_011.png?nolink&600 |}} === Libre Office === LibreOffice (a FOSS office productivity) uses the Open Document Format. For Microsoft Office compatibility, let's change default file formats. Open LibreOffice: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:libreoffice_15.png?nolink&600 |Open Libreoffice}} Go to 'Tools', then 'Options'. Select 'Load/Save', then 'General'. Select document type 'Text Document', and change type to 'Microsoft Word 2007 - 365 *.docx' INSERT PICTURE HERE. You can do the same for other file types, eg, spreadsheets. Click 'OK' to confirm. ======Backups===== //Backups// copy your data so you can //recover// or //restore// if needed. For safety, backups should be stored externally (external drive, USB or other computer) and checked to ensure they work. Try these options. ==== Copy Your Files ==== The home directory stores your personal files. Try copying it to USB via File Manager. ==== ==== Open File Manager: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:location_of_file_manager.jpg?nolink&600 |}} ==== ==== Select your home directory from the sidebar (Here it's 'sdlw'): {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-a-copy-02.png?nolink&600 |}} ==== ==== Go up one level to see the home directory folder: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-a-copy-03.png?nolink&600 |}} ==== ==== Right click and copy. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-a-copy-04.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== Select your USB: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-a-copy-05.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== And paste. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-a-copy-06.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-a-copy-07.png?direct&600 |}} Once complete, check your copied files. === Archiving === Files too large to fit on your storage? We can compress them to [[https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_%28file_format%29|zip]]. ==== ==== Check your folder's size (Right click, select 'Properties'): {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-an-archive-02.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== Now right click and choose 'create archive': {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-an-archive-03.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== Name it, select //zip//, and save to USB: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-an-archive-04.png?direct&600 |}} ==== === {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-an-archive-05.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== Check the archive size - it should be smaller now. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:make-an-archive-06.png?direct&600 |}} ==== ==== Remember: check that your copied files work. ===== Cronopete ====== Cronopete is backup software with a GUI interface. Use it to automate backups and restore files easily. Download and install Cronopete from https://rastersoft.com/programas/cronopete.html. ==== Configuration ==== Select 'backup settings' from the Whisker Menu: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-29png.png?nolink&400 |}} Prepare backup location - select 'Configure now', then 'Change Backup Destination'. Select USB and click 'OK': INSERT PICTURE Confirm drive format - **this will erase its contents**: INSERT PICTURE Choose content to back up. Click on 'Folders to Back Up': INSERT PICTURE Add folders needed. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-09.png?nolink&400 |}} Eg: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-15.png?nolink&400 |}} Decide how often to back up: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-12.png?nolink&400 |}} ==== Run backup ==== Turn cronopete on - check the menu bar. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-17.png?nolink&400 |}} Open: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:selection_010.png?nolink&300 |}} Select 'backup now'. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-04.png?nolink&300 |}} The backup will start immediately. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-18.png?nolink&400 |}} ==== Let's test it ==== See the backed-up folder: {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-21.png?nolink&400 |}} 'Accidentally' delete it, create a new one, and run backup. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-14.png?nolink&400 |}} The original files are 'lost'. Lets restore them! ==== Backup Restoration ==== Open from the menu bar. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:selection_010.png?nolink&300 |}} Select 'Restore Files'. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-05.png?nolink&300 |}} Backups appear from newest to oldest. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-23.png?nolink&500 |}} Click 'back' for older backups. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-24.png?nolink&500 |}} Select and restore. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-26.png?nolink&500 |}} It restores and renames the restored files. {{ :engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:cronopete-27.png?nolink&500 |}} [[engagement:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshops:siganto_digital_learning_workshops:workshop_04|]]