======Saturday Crew Session Wrapup- 2 Sep===== __Form Information__ ^ This workshop was facilitated by: | Mick Byrne | ^ Name of any other State Library staff present: | NA | ^ Workshop Date: | 2021-09-02 | ^ Workshop Location: | Machine Shop | ^ How many Designed Things were sent into The Well? | 1 | ^ Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission | | ^ List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration: | Noname Rocu | ^ What did you think was successful about the workshop? | Made great progress today. * we reviewed the maquette that was made during the week * Zac worked on an antler * Shi and Courtney and * Phil and i worked on We also discussed the approach we would take making * the beard * skin * antlers & bone | ^ What did you learn about the workshop? | Everyone is keen to make and enjoys the problewm solving | ^ Can you share any ideas for future implementation? | no | ^ Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop? | Mick to continue skinning skull in readiness for other features to | ^ Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants? | Photographer shared an image of a artwork from the GOMA collection, Huang Yong Pings ‘Ressort’: A Gigantic snake skeleton, with us when he saw what the students had designed {{engagement:grumpus:workshops:workshopreports:wellmakingworkshopreport:screen_shot_2021-09-03_at_12.59.03_pm.png?300}} [[https://blog.qagoma.qld.gov.au/huang-yong-ping-ressort-2012|]] | ^ What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop? | | ^ Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop? | |