====== BSSSC Workshop Report - 19 Aug ====== This workshop was facilitated by: Michelle, Rozina\\ Name of any other State Library staff present: NA Workshop Date: 2021-08-19\\ Workshop Location: Online \\ __How many Designed Things were sent into The Well?__ 0 \\ Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission \\ __List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration:__ #5, #21, #24, #26, #27, #29, #50 __What did you think was successful about the workshop?__\\ * The students were enthusiastic, despite the shift to online due to covid regulations * Screen sharing for inspiration and video content was effective * Lots of visuals were helpful to explain the project and outcomes __What did you learn about the workshop?__\\ * Unordered List ItemOnline engagement is difficult in a class setting, but one on one windows help to direct the focus and read the participants reactions better __Can you share any ideas for future implementation?__\\ NA __Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?__\\ NA __Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?__\\ NA __What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?__\\ All of them. The students had wonderful imaginations and have come up with some really great worlds that we can move into the next stage, it will be hard to choose one concept! __Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?__\\ @@ {{:@@Upload file 1300}} @@ {{:@@Upload file 2300}} @@ {{:@@Upload file 3300}} @@ {{:@@Upload file 4300}}