=====QUT Workshop Report - 4 Aug ===== This workshop was facilitated by: Sarah Winter, Mick Byrne, Rozina Suliman\\ Name of any other State Library staff present: Daniel Flood (at start)\\ Workshop Date: 2021-08-04\\ Workshop Location: Online \\ __How many Designed Things were sent into The Well?__ 0 \\ Notes regarding Designed Thing Submission \\ __List the Imagined Things number or name that was used as inspiration:__ #69, #22, #55, #6, #3, #24, #0, #13, #75, #42, #1, #21 \\ __What did you think was successful about the workshop?__\\ * check in and out helped measure the engagement in the activities and also gave students an opportunity to connect and voice how lockdown was effecting them\\ * Miro was great to use for collaborating online on concepts\\ * Participants engaged with the activities\\ * Break out rooms worked well \\ __What did you learn about the workshop?__\\ * It is helpful to combine creative forms to extract and dream on ideas, partially when working across disciplines as the QUT group are\\ __Can you share any ideas for future implementation?__\\ __Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?__\\ * add the Miro link for collaborative brainstorming and Padlet link for collaborative writing to the QUT Teams page\\ * add the Spirit of Grumpus making tips to Files section in QUT teams page\\ * Students given homework to design and build Spirit of Grumpus small sculpture with whatever paper and cardboard materials they have at home\\ __Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?__\\ "More fun than I thought"\\ "Felt like going back to childhood"\\ __What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?__\\ * The collective creative spirit of QUT students in starting to build worlds inspired by things from the well\\ __Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop?__\\